This app is still in Beta but if you want to check it out, it’s now available in Cydia. If you’re not familiar with Swype, it’s an alternative to traditional touchscreen typing. Instead of tapping each key, you start with the first letter of the word you’re typing and then drag it to each letter and lift off on the last letter. Check it out in the video below and if you try it out, let us know what you think. [Read more…]
WeatherIcon for iPad Hack
I’ve always wanted the WeatherIcon hack for my iPad but it never works. I looked into it again and found that part of the problem is that the iPad doesn’t have the Weather app from Apple like the iPhone does. After looking around in some forums I found out how to get it working. Here’s the steps I took using an iPhone 4 and a 1st gen iPad. [Read more…]
TVDown Screenshot Animation
TVDown Screenshot Animation is a hack that changes the animation when taking a screenshot. Normally, when you take a screenshot, you would see a quick white flash. This hack changes the “flash” to an animation that is similar to an “old-tv-powering-down.” It’s kind of cool. You can get TVDown Screenshot Animation via the BigBoss source.
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ManualCorrect – User Controlled Auto-Correct
ManualCorrect is a hack that removes the stock auto-correct feature and replaces it with more user controlled auto-correct. Basically, the stock auto-correct automatically changes some of the words that you type (which can leave for some interesting emails and messages!) where ManualCorrect removes the stock auto-correct feature and puts in it’s place the option to choose a correction.
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ShowCase – Uppercase and Lowercase Characters on Keyboard
ShowCase is a nice little hack that changes the stock keyboard to display the current character case of the letters. Normally, the letters on the keyboard are always displayed as uppercase no matter if you have have the “Shift” key selected or not. With this hack, when the “Shift” key is selected, the characters on the keyboard will display as uppercase letters however if the “Shift” key is not selected, the characters on the keyboard will display as lowercase letters.
Stealth Cam – Take Pictures & Video When iPhone is Locked [video]
I’ve been wanting a hack like this for a while. I’ve been in stores when I wish I could take video secretly. Now I can! The hack is called Stealth Cam and once installed its super easy. Just open your camera app, choose whether you want to take a picture or video, then lock your iPhone. Now just hit a volume button and it will take a pic or start the recording depending on which setting you’re on. If taking a video you can stop it with the volume button too. That’s it! Once you hit unlock you’ll be right back at the camera app. Now all I need is a hack that lets the camera record or stream in the background! [Read more…]
PageLock – Remove SpringBoard Page Scrolling Ability
PageLock is a hack that removes the ability to scroll through the pages on your SpringBoard. I know what you thinking, “So how in the world am I going to get to my next page of apps?” I’ll be honest, I was thinking the same thing! So, I installed the hack and gave it a try. What I found is that it does indeed stop the ability to scroll between pages on your SpringBoard however, you are able to tap next to the page dots on the bottom of the SpringBoard to go to the next page. Tap to the left of the page dots to scroll left and tap to the right of the page dots to scroll right.
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Pull To Refresh Safari – Another Sweet Hack
If you read my previous article about the Pull to Refresh For Mail hack… then you probably already know my feelings about Pull to Refresh Safari. I LOVE it! I don’t know if I’m a “pull to refresh” addict or what but I just love these hacks!
As the title suggests, this hack adds the ability to “pull to refresh” in the stock Safari application. To use the hack you just pull the Safari page down past the address bar and your page will automatically refresh.
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Light Bright – Easily Adjust Brightness Using Home and Volume Buttons
Light Bright is a sweet little hack that allows you to easily adjust your iPhone’s brightness. For some reason I’m like addicted to adjusting my brightness… I’m not even kidding. My previous favorite was the SBSettings brightness toggle however, I think it has been beat out by Light Bright! Light Bright is so convenient. Once installed, you just hold down the Home Button and use your volume controls to adjust the brightness. This can be done from basically anywhere…. while on the lock screen, the SpringBoard, in any application… etc. The only problem I have found is that if you have Backgrounder installed, you have to make sure not to hold the Home Button down too long before you start adjusting your brightness or you will enable backgrounding. Though, Light Bright can be used anytime where as SBSettings toggle does not work in Cydia or any application that does not display the status bar. I personally think it’s a totally sweet hack. You can get Light Bright via the modmyi source.
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Friday Night Movie Night: Graviboard [Video]
Tonight’s Friday Night Move Night is Graviboard, a mod that “brings gravity to the homescreen.” Once it is installed and activated, your icons are “affected by gravity”. Check out the video demo below. I personally have not installed this app. I just can’t bring myself to pay $2.99 for fun app. However, I am curious to know if you can tap on an icon to open an app while this mod is activated. I’m guessing you probably can not. If you have purchased this app… let me know in the comments what you think of it. You can get Graviboard via the BigBoss source.
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SBRotator SBSettings Toggle
Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
As I mentioned yesterday, the SBRotator mod (a hack that allows your iPhone to rotate in all 4 possible orientations) now has an SBSettings toggle. The toggle is free if you have already purchased the SBRotator mod. I honestly have been trying since yesterday to get the toggle to install and was finally able to get it today. So, here we go.
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Let It Snow Widget for iPhone
Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
This hack for the iPhone makes it snow behind your icons and above your wallpaper. It is downloaded in Cydia and activated by Winterboard. You must be jailbroken for this to work. It does slow down the device a bit and I did notice minor glitching when swiping between pages. My iPhone has a lot of hacks so that may be something to do with it. If you try it out, let me know how it works for you.