Pull To Refresh For Mail – A “Must-Have” Hack

Pull To Refresh For Mail is a super simple, totally ingenious hack. Like seriously… why doesn’t my iPhone already do this! As the title suggests, this hack adds the ability to “pull to refresh” in the stock Mail application. To use the hack you just pull your inbox list down past the search bar and your mail will automatically refresh. The app is activated automatically when you install it in Cydia. There is no icon or settings for this hack. To deactivate the hack, you would need to uninstall is in Cydia (or use SBSettings Mobile Substrate Addon feature)… but seriously why would you need to deactivate it! I had no issues when I tested the app and it has officially been added to my “must-have” list. The best part is that it’s free! You can get Pull To Refresh For Mail via the BigBoss source.


Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  
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  1. This is a awesome hack to have.

  2. Yes I agree. I have been waiting for this since Tweetie was released. This is something that Apple Mail for iPhone should already have.

    Nice work…

  3. great I dea, I want it lol

  4. What about the little refresh button at the bottom? Not good enough? Or am I missing something here..

    • The “pull to refresh” is sooo much cooler (if that’s a word!). That refresh button is seriously old school. Or maybe I’m on facebook and twitter too much and have become addicted to the “pull to refresh” feature! :)

  5. Hi

    I’m the developer for this tweak. Glad that you guys find the tweak useful :)

    Feel free to let me know of any suggestions/comments etc