Friday Night Movie Night: Swype

This app is still in Beta but if you want to check it out, it’s now available in Cydia. If you’re not familiar with Swype, it’s an alternative to traditional touchscreen typing. Instead of tapping each key, you start with the first letter of the word you’re typing and then drag it to each letter and lift off on the last letter. Check it out in the video below and if you try it out, let us know what you think. [Read more…]

Friday Night Movie Night – Yamaha 01V Wireless

When mixing sound, I’ve always wanted a setup like this. To do what is going on in this video you need a Yamaha 01V classic, iPad, TouchOSC (iTunes link), MacBook Pro and USB to MIDI cable. To keep up with the progress just watch for updates on this YouTube channel: northatlantadj [Read more…]

Friday Night Movie Night: Graviboard [Video]

Tonight’s Friday Night Move Night is Graviboard, a mod that “brings gravity to the homescreen.” Once it is installed and activated, your icons are “affected by gravity”. Check out the video demo below. I personally have not installed this app. I just can’t bring myself to pay $2.99 for fun app. However, I am curious to know if you can tap on an icon to open an app while this mod is activated. I’m guessing you probably can not. If you have purchased this app… let me know in the comments what you think of it. You can get Graviboard via the BigBoss source.
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Friday Night Movie Night: Limera1n Jailbreak for Mac & Windows

Limera1nGeohot has released jailbreaks for all devices running firmware 4.0, 4.0.2 & 4.1 and the iPad running 3.2.2. Warning: this is not an unlock! Here are some helpful video guides to walk you through the process.

Jailbreak on Mac

Jailbreak on Windows

Friday Night Movie Night: Flashback

##ICON_NAME## While Doug was researching a few things for the previous Friday Night Movie Night Video about Vertical Scrolling, he found the following video. I’m not sure how many of you remember this but, AppSnapp was a jailbreak from way back in the day. I had forgotten how crazy it was to fake activate and jailbreak an iPhone!

Friday Night Movie Night: Vertical Scrolling

Available In: Cydia       Price: Coming Soon  

YouTubeI’ve been hearing about this hack for a little while and, from what I can tell, it’s not in Cydia yet. Here’s a video preview of the hack which shows vertical scrolling on individual pages. Early jailbreakers will remember that vertical scrolling was the original way to fit more icons on the iPhone.

Friday Night Movie Night: Augmented Reality App for Orange Telecom

This isn’t a super productive application but it shows the possibilities.

An promotional augmented reality app by Ogmento. Developed to promote the iPhone launch by Orange Telecom Israel. Point your iphone to an Orange logo and watch a virtual iPhone appears hovering over the logo. Use finger gestures to turn the iphone around, zoom in or out – or even launch applications.

Friday Night Movie Night: Bing

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

BingMicrosoft search on the iPhone. It seems ironic but the app isn’t too bad. Check out this video review from


Friday Night Movie Night: Paperboy

Available In: App Store       Price: $4.99  

PaperboyLoved this game as a kid. Now it’s available on the iPhone! Looks like it was just released today.


Friday Night Movie Night: Touch DJ – Pro Level MP3 DJ Mixing

Available In: App Store       Price: $19.99  

Touch DJTonight, my wife and I went to dinner with friends, one being a local radio station manager. He was telling me one of his employees was super excited about a DJ app that was released recently. He said the guy had been waiting for the app and that I should check it out. Well, looking for videos for tonight’s Friday Night Movie Night I just happened to run across the same app and I’m telling you, from the video, it looks like it’s worth the $19.99 their asking for it. I’m gonna try hard to get a promo code for this app and get a video review of all it’s features. Being such an expensive app, you need to know what it can do before you buy. Here’s their promo video which is pretty convincing if you’re into this kinda stuff.

Friday Night Movie Night: Blower – Real Air (But Does It Really Work?)

Available In: App Store       Price: $0.99  

blowerAccording to App Store reviews, this app is horrible, but the videos look convincing! We’re in contact with the developers and we’ll get some promo codes so we can try it out for ourselves and make a video showing how it really works. For now, you’ll have to check out some other videos pulled from YouTube:

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Friday Night Movie Night: PhotoSpeak

Available In: App Store       Price: $2.99  

photospeakYet another funny video demo of an app. I can’t wait to test this one out on some friends! It lets you take a photo and make the eyes and mouth move to speech you’ve recorded. BTW, it’s in a different language :)


Friday Night Movie Night: 2009 Best Apple iPhone Costume Ever!

halloweenSince it’s Halloween, I thought this might be appropriate. Actually this is amazing and hilarious. The screens actually work live with the iPhone. Check the info after the video for specs.

TAMPA, FLA., Reko Rivera (Left) John Savio (Right) — World’s first award winning “working” iPhone costume created by Reko Rivera and John Savio. Specifications are 42″ Display, 1.5 Hours of Battery Life, 85 lb and the “real” iPhone can charge connected to the USB on the display. The two costumes have 3 batteries each with a total runtime of 4.5 hours before needing to be charged overnight. Please email us if you need any more information about the costume.

BACKSTORY — This all started two years ago Reko Rivera and Bobby Hartman created a wearable large iPhone costume with a real 37″ lcd tv. An iPod was attached with a looping video of a real iphones screen in normal use. This time with the help of John Savio and John Matthews the team created yet another amazing rendition of the new iPhone 3GS. Savio loved the original idea but wanted to take it to the next level and make it thinner and actually work with user input! With some heavy researching and some solid determination Savio finally found a solution. He managed to modify the software on the iPhone to allow a live dual image output to the large 42″ lcd tv while maintaining the image in landscape mode. Reko originally came up with the idea and really pushed to see his vision come to life two years ago. This year John and Reko plan to compete in most of the local and online contest to win back all the money they invested in the costumes. The team has about $2000 into the two costumes and has no regrets!

Friday Night Movie Night: TIMELAPSER

Available In: App Store       Price: $0.99  

timelapserI know how much you guys love time lapse videos made from the iPhone. This one seemed to work pretty well and I just liked watching anything to do with ice since I’ve been sweating to death in Africa for the past week. :)


Friday Night Movie Night – Create Time-lapse Videos From iPhone 3G or 3GS

I will be honest, this is my first Friday Night Movie Night. Normally Doug does Friday Night Movie Night but since he is in Africa… I thought I would give it a shot. These are some cool videos I found that were created using an app called ReelMoments.

ReelMoments, by Nexvio Inc., is an application that allows you to create time-lapse videos right from your iPhone 3G or 3GS. The videos below were captured with ReelMoments and edited with ReelDirector (also by Nexvio Inc.).

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