FakeCarrier – Create Custom Carrier Name and Time String

FakeCarrier is an application that allows you to easily customize both your carrier name and time string in the Status Bar. The app is super simple to use. Once installed, it has three options; Fake Carrier, Fake Time and Show BatteryLevel. To change the carrier or time string just open the option, type your custom message into the space provided and select Set. The string will instantly change without having to close the app or respring your device… this is a nice feature because then you can instantly see what your custom string looks like and if you do not like it, you can just change it right there. To get the stock Carrier name of Time string back, just tap Reset. Simple and easy.
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WiCarrier – Change Carrier in Status Bar to WiFi Network Name

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WiCarrier WiCarrier is a pretty cool little hack that changes the carrier name on your status bar to display the WiFi network name when connected to WiFi. For example, our WiFi network at home is ahhyeah. So, when I am connected to our home WiFi, instead of saying AT&T on the status bar it says ahhyeah. Another cool little feature of the hack is that you can tap the WiFi network and it will display your local IP address. When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will go back to displaying your carrier name.

This hack works in fine if your carrier name has been changed using MakeItMine (or similar). When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will switch back to your modded carrier name.
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MMS Now Active on iPhone 3G and 3GS (AT&T)

##ICON_NAME## Today is the day! AT&T has finally launched MMS for the iPhone! YAY! Below is the press release. To enable MMS “connect your iPhone to your computer and click “Check for Update” in iTunes. Once the update is completed, restart your iPhone by turning it off then on again. Note that iPhone OS 3.1 is required so you may need to update your software first.” [Read more…]

The Truth About AT&T, MMS & The iPhone

AT&TOk, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve got to rant on this whole early MMS coverage by all the media out there. AT&T is not officially releasing MMS early. I’ll try to explain it all.

AT&T blocked MMS on the iPhone when firmware 3.0 was available from Apple. Firmware 3.0 has always supported MMS, that’s why when we had the 3.0 Beta we have screenshots showing how MMS worked, but the messages would never go through because AT&T had it blocked by entering an “opt-out” code. Not to mention many other carriers through out the world started supporting MMS when 3.0 was released when AT&T did not.

AT&T has recently announced that they would finally be releasing MMS to the iPhone on Sept 25th, 2009. How will they do this? First, AT&T needs to remove all the opt-out codes they added to accounts to block MMS when 3.0 was released. This is rumored to be part of the reason of the delay in MMS, but it’s also because the iPhone is a heavy bandwidth device and AT&T needed time to upgrade it’s network to handle the addition of MMS. Next Apple will push a carrier update from AT&T to iTunes. This is not a normal firmware update. Once you update, you will see the little camera in your text messaging and will be able to send pictures along with video, contacts and map locations.

Now the question is, how are people getting this early? Simple, they are getting the code early, running iTunes is a mode designed more for Apple engineers than the average user, and uploading it to their iPhone. But, that’s not all that it takes. AT&T still has to remove the opt-out code on your account. That’s why some people can run the hack and still not have MMS. There is nothing you can do but wait for AT&T to get to your account and remove the code. If you want to know how to get the code early and update your iPhone’s carrier file, check out this article I recently wrote about it. [Read more…]

How to Enable MMS (picture messaging) on Your iPhone (AT&T) [UPDATED x2]

UPDATE: The original carrier file v5.0 I had was not allowing Visual Voicemail for some people. I have updated the link below to a v5.0 that allows you to edit your settings and allows both Visual Voicemail & MMS to work. See the guide below for updates. (I’ve added steps 9 & 10.)

If you want to revert back to the carrier file 4.0 (no MMS) you may download here.

MessagesOk, I’m super excited that I got this to work. I really think it has to with AT&T allowing it to work by removing the opt-out codes (the code AT&T put in to block MMS when firmware 3.0 came out). That’s why I think it took a few days for mine to work after doing what I’m about to show you. It’s really really easy. I’m running an iPhone 3GS, jailbroken, not unlocked, on firmware 3.0.1. Your iPhone does not need to be jailbroken for this to work and I have linked to the file needed for firmware 3.1. Here’s how I did it:

PC/Windows Instructions

1. Download this carrier update file (v5.0) if you are running iPhone firmware 3.0 or 3.0.1 (it might work with lower firmware but I haven’t confirmed it.) If you are on the new 3.1, download here (v5.1).
2. Close iTunes.
3. Click Start > Run > type:cmd then press enter. Run this command: “C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe” /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
4. Open iTunes.
5. Hold the shift key while clicking update under your iPhone in iTunes.
6. Change the file type to “iPhone Carrier Configuration files” by clicking in the the bottom right corner and switching to *.ipcc.
7. Find the file of the carrier update you just saved to your computer in step 1, select it and click open.
8. You iPhone is now updated. You may have MMS right away if AT&T has removed your opt-out code but mine took a few days.
9. To allow for Visual Voicemail to work on firmware 3.0 & 3.0.1 using carrier file v5.0, go to your Settings app > General > Network > Cellular Data Network > and under Visual Voicemail change wap.cingular to acds.voicemail
10. Double check your MMS settings below the Visual Voicemail settings above to match this (do not enter anything in blank fields):
APN: wap.cingular
MMSC: mmsc.cingular.com
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 614400

NOTE: If you are on EDGE it will take a while for the image to send. If AT&T hasn’t removed the opt-out code on your account yet, you will get a red exclamation point next to the message.

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Supreme Preferences – Adds Additional Settings Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Supreme Preferences Supreme Preferences is an application that adds additional functionality to your Settings options (similar to Extended Preferences). When you install Supreme Preferences, you will need to go into WinterBoard and select it in order to activate it. Once, you have selected it in WinterBoard, you can go into your stock Settings application (which will now have a new icon). [Read more…]

New Poll – On a daily bases when are you mostly likely to charge your iPhone or iPod Touch?

AiS Time for a new poll. The last poll was – What Carrier are You With?? Below are the results based on when we added the poll about a week and a half ago.

* America Movil (0%, 2 Votes)
* AT&T (29%, 883 Votes)
* Claro (1%, 46 Votes)
* MiPhone (0%, 2 Votes)
* Movistar (2%, 49 Votes)
* O2 (6%, 180 Votes)
* Orange (5%, 148 Votes)
* Rogers (5%, 146 Votes)
* T-Mobile (16%, 502 Votes)
* Telcel (3%, 94 Votes)
* Telefonica (1%, 27 Votes)
* TeliaSonera (2%, 55 Votes)
* Vodafone (7%, 212 Votes)
* Other (15%, 452 Votes)
* I have an iPod Touch (9%, 285 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,083

Doug and I are with AT&T. It seems that I missed quite a few carriers…452 of you selected “Other.” Sorry about that! I really thought I had a decent list…my bad! You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll. You can choose more than one answer.

On a daily bases when are you mostly likely to charge your iPhone or iPod Touch?

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New Poll – What Carrier are You With?

ais Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Which type of applications make up the majority of apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch? Below are the results based on when we added the poll about a week and a half ago.

* App Store (55%, 867 Votes)
* Jailbroke (39%, 621 Votes)
* SSh’d (6%, 93 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,581

I personally have more jailbroke apps on my iPhone then I do App Store application. For some reason I am much more drawn to Cydia than the App Store. I think the App Store overwhelms me! :) You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll. I did my best to try to get them all. If I am missing a big one let me know…otherwise there is an “Other” option. If you choose “Other” let us know in the comments what Carrier you have.

What Carrier are You With?

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