Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Which type of applications make up the majority of apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch? Below are the results based on when we added the poll about a week and a half ago.
* App Store (55%, 867 Votes)
* Jailbroke (39%, 621 Votes)
* SSh’d (6%, 93 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,581
I personally have more jailbroke apps on my iPhone then I do App Store application. For some reason I am much more drawn to Cydia than the App Store. I think the App Store overwhelms me! :) You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll. I did my best to try to get them all. If I am missing a big one let me know…otherwise there is an “Other” option. If you choose “Other” let us know in the comments what Carrier you have.

You left out Fido. The other Canadian GSM carrier with the iPhone.
Hey Brooke!
Had to go with “other” on that one…
Don’t know if you took into consideration carriers outside of the US and Canada ;)
I thought I did! But, I obviously missed quite a few. It is hard with the iPhone in so many countries now…they all have their own carriers!
Hehehe I bet!
I did see Movistar up there, you missed Comcel (mine actually) and I heard that soon Tigo will have iPhones too!
Digitel, Venezuela
You know, One was bought by Orange, so it should be listed as one.
I did not know that…I will take One off the list.
Other: moBistar :)
claro, Brazil :)
Vivo, Brazil
Hi, I guess “telefonica” is “O2”. Carrier’s name is, at least in czech rep., “Telefonica O2 Czech Republic” :-)
i’ve been with at&t for 8 years. dont think i’ll ever switch.
We switched from Sprint to AT&T to get the iPhone. I really liked Sprint…but, I like AT&T too.
The best carrier in USA is AT&T because it has the best signal.
Now in Mexico its Telcel GSM.
I am brazilian!!!!
I’m on rogers when I’m in my home town Toronto Canada and T mobile pay as you to when I am in the USA. LOL
For all intents and purposes, if you’re dealing with international carriers, Rogers = Fido, as Rogers owns Fido.
I’m With Tigo,Honduras.
Good Poll,
Oh & Are You Still Pregnant?
Haha…yes, I am indeed still pregnant.
i switched from sprint to AT&T and i love it.
a LOT better =p
i have an itouch but im buying an iphone from my friend and its gonna be on t-mobile =D
@Brooke How is the speed on your laptop EVDO card from Sprint? I think that they have the fastest EVDO network around.
it was great when we had it activated. we even streamed video using it.
Country: Singapore
Carrier: SingTel
Am in US and am with t-mobile :D
Y pay 61.78$ for internet total, unlimeted text sms, 300 minutes, nite and weekend free, I luv t-mobile :D
Telefonica owns O2 and Movistar so maybe that’s confusing.
I was on Orange here in UK on my Jailbroken phone (1.14). BUT the Data charges were out of this world.
Now I’m legal on O2 firmware 2.1 better signal & battery lasts longer.
O2 have pay as you go sim for iPhone with a Bolt On unlimited data package @ £10.00 a month.