Groupon has updated their app with a few small features and bug fixes. Groupon is a “deal-of-the-day website that features discounted gift certificates usable at local or national companies.” Here are the new features: [Read more…]
Cydia 1.1 Update
This morning Jay Freeman (@saurik) release Cydia 1.1. This update makes Cydia “faster, slimmer, and more stable; including an improved search algorithm and resume where you left off.” [Read more…]
iOS 4.3 Now Available
As suspected, the iOS 4.3 update was released today. If you are looking to upgrade to 4.3… you can plug your device into your computer, head over to iTunes and select the “Check for Update” option. This will allow you to update your device to iOS 4.3. Below is Apple’s official changelog for 4.3.
Remember: If you are jailbroke and want to keep your jailbreak… hold off on updating to iOS 4.3. We will let you know when there is a new jailbreak out. The Dev-Team says that the wait shouldn’t be too long because @i0n1c has a 4.3 untether ready. We’ll keep our eye out. [Read more…]
New Cydia “Manage Account” Feature
This is something I’ve been wanting in the App Store for a long time but I never thought of it working with Cydia. A new link when Cydia first opens allows you to see a list of all the apps you’ve paid for in the Cydia Store. They are linkable so you can just click on the link, install the app again and you’re all set. Again, would love to see this as an app store feature. [Read more…]
Gowalla Update Fixes Crashing with WinterBoard/Jailbreak
Just a quick update: Gowalla has released update 3.0.1 which has fixed the crashing problem on devices running WinterBoard, a jailbreak app that lets you customize the look of your iPhone. Of course it doesn’t say that in the despcription but I tested it and it’s working now. I’m on an iPhone 4, jailbroken running WinterBoard. The update also includes speed, efficiency, text and design improvements.
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Google Voice App Updated – Supports iPad and iPod touch
Today, the Google Voice application received an update. The update actually includes quite a few new features and bug fixes however, one of the cool new features is it has integrated support for both the iPad and the iPod touch.
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Backgrounder Update – Supports iOS 4.2.1
Backgrounder recently received the awaited update which allows the hack to work on iOS 4.2.1. The beta version had been available for a while but the official update was finally released. For those of you who are not familiar with Backgrounder, it is an hack that gives you “total control of backgrounding on an iPhone/iOS-based device. With Backgrounder, *you* decide when an app should keep running, and when it should quit.”
1.0.0-1 Changelog:
● Updated for iOS 4.2.1.
● Changed method used for preventing installation on unsupported iOS versions.
● Changed version numbering due to move from Google Code (svn) to GitHub (git).
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SBSettings Updated to Version 4.2.1 – Fix for 4.2.1 Firmware
SBSettings, an application that allows you to quickly toggle settings on your device, has been updated to version 3.2.1. The update contains three bug fixes including a fix for the 4.2.1 firmware. Check out the full change log below. You can get SBSettings via the BigBoss source.
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Upgrade to 4.2 on Any Device Early & Jailbreak
Apple has released the new version of firmware for all devices (besides first generations of course), version 4.2, to developers. The final, gold master file is ready. This means it will install even if you’re not a developer. This is the firmware that brings folders and backgrounding to the iPad and printing to all devices! The firmware will probably be out officially from Apple via iTunes within a week or so but if you want it early, follow the directions below. If you want to jailbreak, see the instructions following the update instructions.
As of the writing of this article, Cydia isn’t ready for 4.2 and I’m also not sure that this will work on the iPad for sure. Please correct me on this. The dev team blog says to point redsn0w at firmware 4.1. The iPhone runs 4.1 but not the iPad. You may be able to point it a previous iPad firmware but I haven’t tested this yet. I’m honestly waiting to jailbreak myself once Cydia is ready. We will update this article once we can confirm. I recommend syncing your device before starting this. [Read more…]
Facebook iPhone App Updated – Groups, Deals, Places Improvements
Today, the Facebook iPhone application received an update. The update includes the addition of Groups and Deals as well as improvements to the Places feature (see full change log below). The new Groups feature has replaced the Requests option on the main page. I also noticed that the News Feed now displays three options at the top of the page; Photo, Status and Check In… allowing you to quickly do one of those three things without having to leave your News Feed.
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SBSettings Update for 4.0
![]() |
Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
One of the best hacks for the iPhone, SBSettings, now works with firmware 4.0. This hack let’s you swipe the status bar and a drop down menu pops out with all kinds of quick settings like brightness adjustment and toggles for wifi, bluetooth and 3G. There are different themes, all kinds of info like running processes, IP address, & memory. Best of all, it’s free. This is a must have app!
See our past reviews of SBSettings for more detailed descriptions.
Note: there is a small bug for 4.0.
ATTENTION 4.0 USERS: Currently an activator bug prevents the SBSettings window from appearing in some apps. For the time being, load settings, activator, and set SBSettings also to short hold home so you can hold home button to also bring up sbsettings in apps.
Weather Underground’s WunderMap Updated – Best Weather Radar iPad App
Weather Underground’s WunderMap is my favorite weather radar app. They recently updated their application to include several weather warnings for each county. Another new feature is the ability to stop the motion of the radar. Before the radar always looped and sometimes when moving around the screen it was slow to load. Something that was annoying in the previous version was when you drag the map around the location of the conditions would change to the center of the screen. Now you can lock the condition’s location to any area by tapping the padlock in the conditions tab. Now I can keep my hometown conditions in the bottom right corner while I drag around the map. Another new feature is the alerts tab which shows current warnings and watches. WonderMap is definitely my favorite radar application for the iPad and best of all, it’s free. [Read more…]
Skype Updated to 2.1, Runs in Background
It’s taken a little over 4 years and 4 iPhone but it is finally here! Skype on your iPhone just like a phone call. You can sign in and then close the app and when a call comes in, it rings! You can also close the app while you’re on a call and stay connected! These are features we’ve all been waiting for! Now I know Skype has been out for the iPhone before, but this is the way it always should have worked.
Now I don’t use Skype that much so this is kinda kewl. I only really use it to talk to a friend in Brazil every couple months. I sure some of you use it on a daily basis. So, let’s find out! [Read more…]
YouTube Mobile Redesign
YouTube has updated their mobile webpage for the iPhone & iPod touch. The new layout is much cleaner and issuing HTML 5 technology. Updates include speed, larger buttons, search suggestions, ability to create playlists, ability to favorite & like. Here’s a video demo and some screenshots. [Read more…]