iTicker Widget – Scrolling RSS Feed on Your SpringBoard

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

iTicker Widget iTicker Widget is an “updating ticker of sports scores, news headlines, or any other RSS feed that you would like displayed right on your iPhone 3G’s springboard!” Note: I know the developer’s description of the application says “iPhone 3G’s springboard” however, I have tested iTicket Widget on a first gen iPhone and it worked as well.

Once you install iTicker Widget, you can activated/deactivate it via WinterBoard. When you activate it, it will add a text line under your forth row of icons (just above your dock) that will scroll through an RSS feed. You can customize the RSS feed to whatever you would like it to be however, in order to do so, you will need to be comfortable using SSH. If you are comfortable with SSH and would like to customize the application…below are instructions.

The instructions below are actually the developer’s instructions. Usually, I end up writing my own instructions but, the developer’s are perfect so I thought I would just use those!


Once in your iPhone you’ll want to navigate to the following folder: /Library/Themes

Here you will see a folder for iTicker. Open that folder and you will see a file called: Widget.html

Open up this file in notepad or any HTML editor you like such as Dreamweaver. Look for this line of code:

Replace that URL with the URL of your RSS feed that you want to use. Here is a list of individual sports feeds you can use so only that sport displays.

MLB use:
NBA use:
NFL use:
NHL use:
NCAA use:
WNBA use:

If you want to have multiple feeds show for example MLB and NFL you will need to combine them into one feed. To do that please follow this guide here.

I actually replaced the code with AppleiPhoneSchool’s RSS url (which is and it scrolled through all our top articles…it displayed the title of each article. It was pretty cool.

I also made one more change to the file and moved the text over so that is started a little close to the left side of my iPhone. If you would also like to adjust your text…see the instructions below.

1. Once in your iPhone you’ll want to navigate to the following folder: /Library/Themes

2, Here you will see a folder for iTicker. Open that folder and you will see a file called: Widget.html

3. Open up this file in notepad or any HTML editor you like such as Dreamweaver. Look for this line of code:


4. Change the 59px to whatever suits your customizations. Note: The smaller the number, the closer the text will start to the left side of your iPhone. (Example…if you change 59 to 39, the text will start closer to the left side of your iPhone.)

For more information about the iTicker Widget…check out the developer’s site. You can get this app via the modmyi source.


Google Reader

This is a web app that I use every day. It’s a nicely iPhone optimized website for Google Reader. Google Reader is one of the best RSS readers I’ve ever used. It’s web based but has a lot of features. You have access to all your feeds indivudually or all at once. You can also star items, share them, email them, add notes, etc. It’s very fast easy to navigate on the iPhone. Tapping the title expands the article with out refreshing the page. [Read more…]

App Store RSS Feed Meets Twitter

App StorePinch Media has created and released 5 RSS Feeds. They pull all kinds of info from the App Store from new and updated apps to top 100 lists. Here they are:

Now what we’ve done is dumped this into Twitter so you can “follow” the App Store.

App Store NewFor new App Store apps follow @appstorenew

App Store Updates For updates to App Store apps follow @appstoreupdates

App Store New Free For new free only App Store apps follow @appstorefree

Feeds 0.4.3

Feeds The update to version 0.4.3 of Feeds, a native iPhone RSS reader application, makes some subtle changes to the icon and updates the splash screen. It also adds three additional language translations; Czech, Russian and Sweden. Other than that, the app seems to look and function the same as in the previous version. You can get Feeds via the ModMyiFone source.

Note: You can add AppleiPhone’s Feed to your Google Reader by adding this url – or by selecting the Subscribe via RSS button on the right side of the sight. [Read more…]

Apple iPhone School Mac Widget

Site NewsOur forum moderator, JamesFKW, created a RSS Widget for Mac OS X 10.4.3 and above. Let us know what you think!


Feeds 0.4.1

Feeds Feeds is a native iPhone RSS reader application. This application works with your Google Reader RSS account, pulling in the Feeds you are subscribed to through Google Reader. When you open the application, you will see a lower menu bar. You will want to go into the Settings option first. Here you will add your Username and Password that you use to sign into Google (like gmail, Google Reader, Google Docs…). You can also choose the font size and cell padding amount. The Cell padding is the amount of space between each article. However, I found that if you move it off of 10 (the stock setting) it starts to affect the number tag making it unreadable. Once you have everything entered into the Settings, [Read more…]