SlingPlayer Mobile for iPad Hits App Store

SlingPlayer Mobile, an application that allows the ability to connect and stream to your device from your Slingbox, is now available for the iPad. The iPad version of the application is $29.99 (which is the same as the iPhone version) and is available for download in the App Store. Check out the full app description and screenshots below.
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The Washington Post iPad App [Video]

The Washington Post recently released their free app for the iPad. They also released a demo video promoting the app. I finally got a chance to check it out and all I have to say is… that is seriously a lot of iPads! If you haven’t seen the video, you can check it out below. [Read more…]

Facebook iPhone App Updated – Groups, Deals, Places Improvements

Today, the Facebook iPhone application received an update. The update includes the addition of Groups and Deals as well as improvements to the Places feature (see full change log below). The new Groups feature has replaced the Requests option on the main page. I also noticed that the News Feed now displays three options at the top of the page; Photo, Status and Check In… allowing you to quickly do one of those three things without having to leave your News Feed.
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Apple Now Allowing In-App Purchase in Free App Store Applications

##ICON_NAME## Apple has announced to developers that they are changing the in-app purchase feature of App Store applications. In the past, only paid applications could use the in-app purchase feature however, Apple is now allowing the feature to be implemented into free apps as well as paid apps.

I’m not sure what I think about this yet but, I do think it could help clean up the App Store a bit. Instead of developers creating a free lite version of their app, they could just make the application free with an in-app purchase to buy the full game thus eliminating the need for free lite versions of applications.

Below is Apple’s memo. [Read more…]

SuperBall 2 Due to be Removed from App Store

Available In: App Store       Price: Free and $2.99  

SuperBall 2 SuperBall 2 and SuperBall 2 Lite are being removed from the App Store by Apple due to copyright infringement issues. Apparently Atari Interactive is not too happy about SuperBall 2 and is claiming infringements against the pong and breakout copyrights. So, if you want either the free version or the full version of SuperPong 2, you have until tonight (Friday night) to get them from the App Store. After that, they will be gone. [Read more…] now iPhone and iPod Touch Friendly

FriendFeed.comIf you visit from an iPhone or iPod Touch you will now get a nice optimized site. You can still see the full version from a link at the bottom of the page.

FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends.

FriendFeed is pretty kewl and I’ll probably use it more now that there is an iPhone version. There are people beginning to abandon Twitter for FriendFeed [Read more…]