Backgrounder Update – Supports iOS 4.2.1

Backgrounder recently received the awaited update which allows the hack to work on iOS 4.2.1. The beta version had been available for a while but the official update was finally released. For those of you who are not familiar with Backgrounder, it is an hack that gives you “total control of backgrounding on an iPhone/iOS-based device. With Backgrounder, *you* decide when an app should keep running, and when it should quit.”

1.0.0-1 Changelog:
● Updated for iOS 4.2.1.
● Changed method used for preventing installation on unsupported iOS versions.
● Changed version numbering due to move from Google Code (svn) to GitHub (git).
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Dev-Team Finds Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 [video]

MuscleNerd, a member of the Dev-Team, recently tweeted that they have untethered the jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1. The jailbreak will cover all devices. There is no info about a release date but we will keep our eyes open! I can’t wait! Below is a demo video and what MuscleNerd has to say about it.

Got “backup plan” for untethered 4.2.1 JB working (video coming up). Uses mysterious 4.2b3 hashes Cydia kept for you. (It’s a “backup plan” because comex is working on a more extensible one, but this method is also generalizable)

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Poll – Have you upgraded to iOS 4.2.1?

Today’s poll is out of sheer curiosity. Neither Doug nor I have upgraded to iOS 4.2.1. We are waiting for an untethered jailbreak… there are just too many things we miss when we are not jailbroke. Anyway, I was curious to see if you have taken the plunge… jailbreak or not.

Have you upgraded to iOS 4.2.1?

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Simplified Directions for the iOS 4.2.1 ultrasn0w Unlock (Updated)

The Dev-Team has updated their blog post about the ultrasn0w unlock for iOS 4.2.1 with simplified directions. Below is the simple version of the unlock process.

1. Read and fully understand the warning below.
2. If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til we release an “unofficial” bundle for you. Read no further.
3. Read update #1 for an updated 3GS bundle.
4. Download this IPSW
5. Run PwnageTool to create a custom 4.1 IPSW. Tell it you want to use the iPad baseband you just downloaded. Restore to this custom IPSW.
6. Install ultrasn0w through Cydia
7. Enjoy!
8. If you don’t have a Mac, redsn0w will be released within a few hours to handle this.

Below is the full post from the Dev-Team’s blog… you will want to read it before using ultrasn0w.
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Dev-Team Releases iOS 4.2.1 Unlock for iPhone 3G/3GS

The Dev-Team has released the much anticipated update to the unltrasn0w unlock that unlocks iOS 4.2.1 on the iPhone 3G and 3GS. Below is what they have to say… make sure you read it thoroughly.

Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04. The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash). So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole? Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!
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ultrasn0w Unlock Fully Working on 4.2.1 – Q & A

Earlier this morning, Musclenerd tweeted that ultrasn0w was finally fully working on iOS 4.2.1. He then answered a few questions about the unlock… below are a few of the details and some of the Q & A.

    • The update will still not include the iPhone 4
    • It will cover the 4.2.1, 3G/3GS iPhones, baseband (05.15.04)
    • The best config for unlockers will be: old-bootrom 3GS, FW 4.2.1, untethered redsn0w JB, ultrasn0wed
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iOS 4.2.1 ultrasn0w Unlock Available by Sunday

MuscleNerd, a member of the Dev-Team, recently tweeted that they are making good progress on the update to the ultrasn0w unlock and that it is on track to be released by Sunday. However, he does say that the iPhone 4 unlock is going to take longer and will not be included in this update of ultrasn0w. He also mentions not to keep an eye out for it today because, “…we celebrate Thanksgiving with family too!” :) Happy Thanksgiving! We will keep our eye out for the ultrasn0w update.
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Dev-Team Updates About iOS 4.2.1 – Including New Version of redsn0w Jailbreak

The Dev-Team has updated their blog with information about iOS 4.2.1. The first thing to note is that ultrasn0w unlockers should not upgrade to iOS 4.2.1 (read below for more info). The second bit of info is that they have updated redsn0w to version 0.9.6b4 which jaibreaks iOS 4.2.1 however, you will want to read all the info below because some devices are still a tethered jailbreak. redsn0w is available for both the Mac and PC (links below).
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SBSettings Updated to Version 4.2.1 – Fix for 4.2.1 Firmware

SBSettings, an application that allows you to quickly toggle settings on your device, has been updated to version 3.2.1. The update contains three bug fixes including a fix for the 4.2.1 firmware. Check out the full change log below. You can get SBSettings via the BigBoss source.
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