Signal – See Cell Tower Info on a Google Map

Available In: Cydia       Price: $4.99  

SignalThis app lets you see what cell towers are around you and what strength you’re getting. It’s amazing how many towers are around that I didn’t notice before. Some towers aren’t exactly where they show up on the map, but it gets you pretty close. It shows you signal strength, which one you’re connected to and all kinds of other info. One thing I’d like to see is the current location needs to move with you and update live, not just updated when app is opened. [Read more…]

3G Unrestrictor – Enable Wifi Features Over 3G & EDGE (FaceTime on 3G!) (video)

3G Unrestrictor has been updated to work with iPhone 4 and firmware 4.x. You know what this means! FaceTime calls anywhere! Now we’ve tested this out, and really it works better on 3G than it does on EDGE but it does work. Once installed you can just open the app and select apps you’d like to fake out. This makes them think your phone is on Wifi instead of 3G or EDGE. Other apps that this can help with instead of FaceTime are the App Store, which won’t let you download apps over 20MB. This goes for videos in iTunes too. Although Skype recently announced the use of Skype over 3G, you can avoid additional costs if they ever do decide to charge for it. Another place this will help is when videos download over 3G they are compressed more which makes them more blurry. With 3G Unrestrictor, YouTube thinks it’s on Wifi and will download the full resolution version. [Read more…]

Skype 2.0 Can Now Make Calls on 3G & EDGE

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

SkypePreviously, Skype for the iPhone would only let you make calls from the iPhone if it was connected to Wifi. Now you can make them even when on the 3G cellular network. It doesn’t say anything about EDGE so I’m guessing it won’t work there. I even got it to work on EDGE. Check the video below. There are also some other improvements with the recent update including enhanced call quality indicator and improved start-up time. See below for a complete list.

Of course there is a catch to all of this. AT&T is only promising this to be a free service until the end of August 2010, then they may charge a small monthly fee. [Read more…]

BigBoss’s Steps to Disabling Edge on 3.0 Firmware

Guide BigBoss recently posted an article on how to disable Edge on the 3.0 firmware. The steps below are still in the testing phase but, if they work, he will be integrating it into the Edge toggle in SBSettings. Below what he has to say and the steps. [Read more…]

NetShare 1.0

Available In: App Store       Price: $9.99  

NetShareSo I was really bummed out when I heard that NetShare got booted from the App Store. So I was going to write all about it and I decided on a whim to check the App Store and it was there! I bought it right away just in case something happens again. (good thing I did, they pulled it again) For those who don’t know, NetShare shares your 3G or EDGE with your laptop through WiFi.

The app comes with a guide on how to connect your iPhone with your Mac but no guide for Windows. There’s also a really good Mac guide over at I’m using Windows (unfortunately) so I went looking for a guide. I found lots of info over at like how to get Firefox to work, how to route all network traffic through your iPhone, and what I was really looking for… a Windows XP guide which even has a video walkthrough which is posted below. I even found a video guide for Mac and Vista. [Read more…]