PrivaCy – Keep App Store Apps From Tracking Your Personal Information

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

PrivaCy Saurik recently released an application in Cydia called PrivaCy. PrivaCy is an application that allows you to “selectively opt-out of sending anonymous usage statistics” to certain providers such as; Flurry, Medialets, Mobclix and Pinch Media. According to a recent post by the Dev-Team, there is some concern over App Store applications that track the user’s information including; usage and geo location. You can read Saurik’s full description of the application below. [Read more…]

Battery Control – Additional Statusbar Battery Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Battery Control Battery Control, an application that allows you to control your Status bar battery image and percentage, was updated. I actually haven’t reviewed this app since it was first released so, I thought I would catch it up since it has had some pretty cool updates.

When the app was first released, it was pretty basic, it only contained a few features… the ability to turn on/off Show Battery and turn on/off Show Percentage. Since then, an Accuracy feature has been added that allows you to choose if you want the accuracy of your battery percentage to be based on the official SDK or based on more accurate battery percentages like SBSettings numeric battery or the default setting. [Read more…]

BigBoss’s Steps to Disabling Edge on 3.0 Firmware

Guide BigBoss recently posted an article on how to disable Edge on the 3.0 firmware. The steps below are still in the testing phase but, if they work, he will be integrating it into the Edge toggle in SBSettings. Below what he has to say and the steps. [Read more…]

Rotation Inhibitor Update – Turn off Auto-Rotating Feature

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Rotation Inhibitor Today there was an update to Rotation Inhibitor, a SBSetting add-on toggle that allows you to turn of the auto-rotate feature on your iPhone or iPod Touch. The update does a few pretty cool things. It adds the Rotation icon for all the default SBSetting’s themes (which is nice!), it fixes a bug in which the keyboard was not working properly in apps that set their “keyboard orientation manually” and it made the app open-source. It update also added a new feature to the toggle that allows you to set which rotation orientation you would like to turn on. [Read more…]