Just in case you missed it over the week-end, iFixIt released their teardown instructions for the iPad 2. Below is a quick video with a rundown of the differences they found between the first iPad and the iPad 2. It is an interesting watch. They gave the iPad 2 a repairability score of 4/10… not the best score… make sure you hold on tight to that iPad 2! You can get the complete teardown instructions on iFixIt’s website.
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iFixIt’s iPad 2 Teardown [Video]
Fix Slow YouTube on iPad and iPhone 4
I’ve been having trouble watching YouTube videos on my iPhone 4 and my iPad. I have an Apple AirPort Extreme router and it’s the newest model with the most recent firmware. I was excited when the new firmware updates for the iPhone and iPad were released that were supposed to fix the YouTube problem. It didn’t fix my problem so I went looking elsewhere for a fix. Here’s some of the things people have tried that fixed it. What fixed it for me was turning off both the 802.11n and turning off my guest network on the router. Note: many people have commented about the 802.11n on the iPhone 4 but know this: the 802.11n on the AirPort Extreme runs at 5Mhz and the iPhone 4 runs at 2.4Mhz so they are not compatible. The iPad however does use the AirPort’s 5Mhz. [Read more…]
WeatherIcon Update 2.3.1
Very randomly I’ve had problems with phone calls to my iPhone not being able to hear the person on the other end. I always assume it’s some hack I’m testing but can’t always figure out which one. Well a recent WeatherIcon update lists one of the bug fixes as “Fixes issue where phone calls may have no sound (usually only an issues for EDGE users). I do use EDGE a lot (unfortunately) so I’m guessing this is going to help. I just upgraded tonight so I’ll check back soon and let you know if the fix worked.
Other updates include: “Fixes issue with night setting not working unless ‘Use Local Time’ is set.” and “Compatibility with WeatherIcon Plugin 1.0.1.” The fix came out on December 23rd so some of you probably already have it. Let me know if it worked for you.
More Cydia Crashing (December 28th)
My Cydia started crashing on my today and I’ve heard of others having the same problem.
I’m looking for a fix and if I hear of one I’ll let everyone know. I’ve found a solution by searching Twitter :)
It seems the only people having trouble have the macciti/zodttd’s source. There is no need to restore your iPhone. Here is a simple fix:
– Connect to your iphone/ipod via either ssh, mobile terminal, ifile, diskaid or some other type of usb file system browser. Browse to /var/lib/apt/lists/
– Delete cydia.zodttd-1.com_repo_cydia_dists_stable_main_binary-iphoneos-arm_Packages. Mine was actually /var/lib/apt/lists/cydia.zodttd.com_repo_cydia_dists_stable_main_binary-iphoneos-arm_Packages.
Cydia encountered a section with no package header [fix]
My Cydia app hasn’t been working lately. I’ve been getting the error “Cydia encountered a section with no package header”, then most of Cydia won’t work. I tried reinstalling Cydia but that didn’t work. After searching around, I found a fix that worked for me. You’ll need to have SSH installed, or use an app like Disk Aid, so you can see the file structure of your iPhone and delete some stuff.
Here’s where you need to go to delete the files. /private/var/lib/apt/lists/ Make sure you do not delete the folder “partial”! You can delete all the other files in that folder.
After doing this your Cydia should be back to working again. :)
SBSettings Update – Firmware 3.1 Compatibility Fixes
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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
SBSettings, a mod that adds was updated to version 3.0.5. The update fixes a bug in which the Reboot and Power Off featured did not work on the 3.1 firmware. Check out the full change log below.
Version 3.0.5 Change Log:
– Fixed more app trying to toggle off last dylib in mobile substrate screen clicked an invisible ad.
– Fixed reboot and power off for 3.1 iPhone firmware. [Read more…]
Apple Releases Firmware 3.0.1
Today, Apple released firmware 3.0.1. The firmware was released in order to fix the SMS bug that leaves all iPhones vulnerable to attack. Like with all firmware upgrades, you will want to hold off on upgrading if you currently have a jailbroke iPhone or iPod Touch. The Dev-Team hasn’t released any info about a new jailbreak but, we will keep our eyes open for any info from them. Below is info from Apple about the new firmware. [Read more…]
Fix For FontSwap Alignment Problems on 3.0 Firmware
Just a quick update about the problems we were having with the alignment of fonts on 3.0 firmware. The other day I noticed that when I set my system font back to default with FontSwap, the alignment was off on my badges, clock, toggle switches and more. Even after uninstalling the app I still had problems. I figured out that if I used the stock font from 3.0 firmware and SSH’d it in the “default” folder of FontSwap it would fix the problem. I’m assuming that the developer just left the 2.0 firmware font in the default folder instead of using the 3.0 font. If you need the original you can download it here: http://www.appleiphoneschool.com/files/stockfont.zip
Tweetie Update – Fixes Twitpocalypse Bugs
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Available In: App Store | ![]() |
Price: $2.99 |
I don’t know about you guys but, I was totally stoked to see an update to Tweetie…in which Apple finally approved, two and half weeks after it was submitted (no surprise there!). Tweetie is my favorite Twitter application and it has been driving me crazy that the search has been broken since the dreaded Twitpocalypse. It seems that they have worked out all the Twitpocalypse bugs and Tweetie is back to functioning normally! YAY! The developer also says that there is a “news on the next “big” update coming soon.”
iPhone 3GS Disassemble and Repair Video
Directfix.com recently posted a video on how to disassemble and repair an iPhone 3GS. If you are the fix-it type and you break your touch screen or you want to replace your battery or LCD…here are step-by-step instructions on how to do that! I honestly would never try this (Doug might) but, it is interesting to watch.
I also found that if you are willing to give it a shot, you can purchase the touch screen (IP-2320) and the LCD (IP-2321) for $69.99 each on their website. Below is the video demo.
Fix IntelliScreen + Kate
Ever since I updated IntelliScreen to 1.07 and 1.08, Kate has not shown up in my Settings. It took me a while to figure what was causing the issue with Kate, I finally realized it was IntelliScreen. I personally am a huge fan of both Kate and InteliiScreen so, I was bummed that they were conflicting. However, thanks to a comment from JW, I found out that I could do some editing of my com.apple.SpringBoard.pist file and fix the problem! Well, I finally had a change to test it out and it worked great!! Here is what you need to do if you are having the same problem.
1. You will need to be able to SSH into your iPhone.
2. Find the com.apple.SpringBoard.plist file on your iPhone. It is located in the System/Library/LaunchDaemons folder.
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Customize Crashing Fix
Ok guys, a ton of you are having issues with Customize opening and then closing back to the SpringBoard (Doug was among those of you having issues). I was hoping version 2.0.0B10 of Customize would fix this issue however, it seems that it did not. At least for Doug it didn’t. We did however find a solution that did work for Doug (thanks to a comment left by Critter)!! YAY! I thought I would pass it along to see if it will work for any of you…it is worth a try! All you need to do is go into Installer and search for SUID Lib Fix 1.0 (it is through the BigBoss source). Once you have found it, [Read more…]