WeatherIcon 2.1.14 – Fixes Phone Bugs

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon There have been a few updates to the WeatherIcon mod since the last time I wrote about it. The updates were mostly bug fixes but, the update to 2.1.14 caught my eye. The update says, “This release “should” fix issues that people were seeing with phones running on EDGE that had incoming call issues. I got reports of problems with calls being dropped, no audio, and other oddities. This release should handle that more gracefully.” [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Updates – Status Bar Improvements

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon The WeatherIcon mod has had quite a few updates going from version 2.1.4 to 2.1.9 (below are all the change logs). I found that the updates have the mod working very nicely….even in conjunction with the Status Bar date mod via SBSettings. Let us know in the comments if you are still having issues with this mod. [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon It seems we have another update to the WeatherIcon mod. Once again, I had no problem with the update on an iPhone running 2.2. The mod also seems to be working a little better with the 3.0 firmware. The Status Bar part of the mod is looking much better and it now visible instead of being too high and getting cut off. I did notice that the Status Bar mod does not work correctly if you are adding the date to your Status Bar using SBettings. It did take a few resprings and disabling/enabling to get it to work correctly (Status Bar) but, that could have to do some of my mods and not the actual WeatherIcon app. [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Update 2.1.3

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon There was another update to the WeatherIcon mod. The updated says that it adds “more 3.0 compatibility.” When I tested it, I was able to enable the Status Bar Image and Temp but, they are not aligned correctly. They are too high on the Status Bar and are only partially visible.

The update does make the app compatible with the 2.2 firmware again. When I installed the update on an iPhone running 2.2, it did not go into Safe Mode and both the Icon and Status Bar worked correctly. So, you should be safe to install it now. [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Update – Supports 3.0 Firmware *UPDATE WARNING

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon The WeatherIcon mod (a mod that allows the current temperature and weather conditions to be displayed on your weather icon) has been updated to version 2.1.2 which allows it to work on the 3.0 firmware. The status bar part of the mod still is not working on 3.0 but, at least the icon part of the mod is!

When I first installed WeatherIcon, on my iPhone running 3.0, it went into safe mode. I restarted the SpringBoard again, as prompted by the safe mode pop-up, and it worked fine. The same thing happened when I updated the mod on an iPhone running 2.2 firmware as well (safe mode, restarted, worked fine).

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WinterBoard Settings Update – Hide WinterBoard Icon

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Settings There was recently an update to WinterBoard Settings. I actually have not done a review for two updates now so, I will talk about both the 0.3.0 update and the 0.4.0 update.

The 0.3.0 update adds an “Enabled” button to WinterBoard Settings. This button actually enables/disables the any mods/themes/hacks that are installed for WinterBoard. It basically turns WinterBoard on and off. So, if you have Enabled turned off, if you make changes in either the WinterBoard application or WinterBoard Settings, they will not display.

FYI: Enabled is automatically turned off when updated/installed which totally had me confused because my WinterBoard application was not working and I thought I broke something…then I remembered the update to WinterBoard Settings. [Read more…]

WinterBoard Settings

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Settings I was surprised when I opened Cydia this morning and saw a WinterBoard Settings application. I was like…Shut Up! I totally thought we were going to get some sweet new settings…maybe some interface settings and what not. Well, that is not exactly what this app is.

WinterBoard Settings, via the source, will add an option for WinterBoard in your stock Settings application. When selected, you have the option to turn on/off SpringBoard Only (which will apply WinterBoard themes to only your SpringBoard) and Debug (I’m not exactly sure what this setting would do). You can also view all your WinterBoard themes from the Settings option. [Read more…]

Reflective Dock Update – Adds Setting Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Reflective Dock The Reflective Dock mod is a mod that allows the icons on your dock to have reflections. Well, it seems that Mr. David Ashman has updated the mod adding all sorts of new settings.


Once installed, you can now go into your stock Settings application and you will see a Reflective Dock option. Here you are able to Enable/Disable the application (no more need for WinterBoard), turn on/off the Reflect All Icons option, turn on/off the Use Gradient options and adjust the Opacity, Reflection Gap, Reflection Length Factor and the Horizontal Shift.

reflectivedock1732 reflectivedock1733 reflectivedock1734

I’m going to briefly describe what each option does. The Reflect All Icons option, when turned on, will reflect all icons on your SpringBoard and not just the icons in your dock. [Read more…]

Lockscreen Clock Hide

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Lockscreen Clock Hide Lockscreen Clock Hide is a mod that removes the time and date from your lockscreen leaving you with just a blank lockscreen. What is cool, is that it replaces the little lock icon that is normally on your status bar when your iPhone or iPod Touch is locked with the time! So, you don’t actually completely lose the time…it just gets moved to your status bar!

As soon as you install the app…it activated the mod (it is not activated/deactivated via WinterBoard). To get your date and time back, just uninstall the app. I had no issues installing or uninstalling this application. You can get Lockscreen Clock Hide via the source.
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Dismiss Away Items Update & New Quick Dimiss Application

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Quick Dimiss Yesterday there was an update to Dismiss Away Items, a application that allows you to dismiss alerts pop-ups by tapping the Home Button. The update changed the app so that it only works for dismissing alert pop-ups on your lock screen (instead of on your lock screen, SpringBoard and while in an application). However, the developer also released an additional application titled Quick Dismiss. When installed, it allows you to dismiss alert pop-ups using the Home Button while on your SpringBoard and while in applications. So basically, the developer turned Dismiss Away Items into two applications.

However, the first release of Quick Dismiss did not work so, I patiently waited for an update which came out this afternoon and the application now works correctly. Make sure you have version 1.1.0 of Quick Dismiss.
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Dismiss Away Items – Dismiss Alert Pop-ups

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Dismiss Away Items Dismiss Away Items is a mod that allows you to dismiss alerts by tapping the Home Button. Once installed, you are able to dismiss the pop-ups for missed SMS alerts, missed call alerts, missed voicemail alerts…etc…just by tapping your Home Button. In the app description it says that this works on the lockscreen (which it does) however, it also works if you are on your SpringBoard or in an application. The nice thing about this mod is that it still displays a missed alert badge even though you have dismissed the pop-up (ex. still leaves a badge number on your SMS icon or Phone icon).

If you are not currently using an application, like IntelliScreen, to block your alert pop-ups this might be a mod for you. I personally do not use an alert blocker (unlike Doug who uses IntelliScreen) so, this mod works great for me…I can read the alert and then dismiss it without having to go off my lockscreen.
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WeatherIcon Mod Updates 1.9.1 and 1.9.2

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon I was excited to see the update to the WeatherIcon mod last night…the updated boasted improved battery performance, memory improvements, fixing the Safe Mode issue and better rendering of the status bar icons…all of which I was very excited about!! So, I updated the app last night and instantly encountered a few problems. After updating, all I would get was a ? on my status bar and my weather icon. I restarted my iPhone and then waited a bit and the ? did eventually go away (though, it continued to come back randomly throughout the night). Well, it seems this was fixed with another update to the app this morning! Which, so far, has seemed to fix the problem. However, I am still having a few other issues.
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WeatherIcon Updates – Fixes Status Bar Icons

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon There have been a few updates to the WeatherIcon mod in the last day or so. They have been just simple updates but, I was happy to see them. If you use the Status Bar icons feature of the mos, then you have probably noticed that the right side of your weather image was getting cut off. Well, the first update fixes that issue. However, you probably also notice that he right side of your other Status Bar notification icons (mail, SMS…etc) where also getting cut off. The second update fixes that issue. So, overall, the mod looks much nicer now! The only thing I am waiting for now is an update that fixes the battery drain problem! Doug and I both have been experiencing major battery drain since turning on the Status Bar mod.
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No Dock Reflections

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Honestly, I was slightly confused when I saw this app (No Dock Reflections) in Cydia. The purpose of the application is to allow the ability to turn of the dock reflections if you have the ReflectiveDock mod installed. What had me confused is that when I did a review of the ReflectiveDock mod when it was first released, it already added a “no dock reflections” option into WinterBoard….so, I didn’t see the reason why we would need it again as a seperate package. Well, after uninstalling and reinstalling both application I realized that somewhere along the line of updates, the ReflectiveDock mod no longer shows up in WinterBoard once installed and no longer installs an option to turn off the dock reflections. So, therefore, No Dock Reflections is a much needed and very useful application (though, I personally hardly ever turn off the dock reflections)! [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Update – Removes Theme Adds Status Bar Icons

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon The WeatherIcon mod received a few updates overnight. The update to version 1.8.4 makes a few changes to the application that you will want to know about. The most obvious change is that it removes the icon theme from the package. So, when you update to version 1.8.4 you will no longer see a weather image just the actual weather in degrees. In order to have a weather images, you will need to install either the Katra WeatherIcon theme or the Klear WeatherIcon theme based on which weather images you prefer (see screenshots below). Both of these themes are available through the source.
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