iPhone Tweets from the 2nd 2012 Presidential Debate

Last night, at the end of the debate, one of the questions asked how to bring back the production of the iPhone, iPad and other Apple products back to the US. I don’t plan to get political here but there were some funny tweets going on at that point during the debate. Some were more serious. Here are a few I saw. Send me any that I missed! [Read more…]

Twitter 4.3

Twitter has recently updated their app with a lot of new features. I’m just going to highlight a few. See the rest at the bottom of this post. The feature I like and have been waiting for is more inline links and images. Twitter calls this “expanded tweets”. The only one I’ve noticed so far is Instagram. Instead of needing to click on the link to see the image, the image is automatically embedded into the tweet. Hopefully YouTube, Foursquare and others are added in the future. Images posted via twitter already had this feature. [Read more…]

Tweet From Notification Center

A new options has been added to the Notification Center in iOS 6 firmware (coming fall 2012). You can now tweet from within Notification Center. The design looks great and you can easily pick from multiple accounts, attach a picture and add your location. You can also place the widget in which ever order you want in the Notification Center. [Read more…]

Must Have iPad Applications #1-5

If you have recently bought a new iPad I have some “must have” apps you should start out with. Of course, some apps you may wonder why they are so “must have” and argue that you don’t need them. Ok, you just might not. This is my list and there may be more that you would suggest (please do so in the comments). This is the first 5 and I will post more in chunks of 5 in the future. For what it’s worth, here’s my list: [Read more…]

Loren Brichter Explains How He Created Tweetie

##ICON_NAME##I used to be a HUGE fan of Tweetie until Tweetie 2. Some of my favorite features were removed like the dark theme and I don’t really like the new retweet feature and the quote feature only lets you use “via” instead of “RT”. Anyway, this is a really kewl video from the developer speaking at Standford University back in May of 2009. It’s a kewl inside view to app developing and more support for why some apps should be paid and not free. Oh, and be prepared, it’s 30 minutes long.

Tweetie 2


Peephole: Twitter Image Browser

Available In: App Store       Price: $1.99  

##ICON_NAME##This is an awesome application if you are a tweeter :) It’s a quick way to access images that have been linked to in tweets. You can see images from trending topics, the public timeline, nearby users, your custom search terms, people you follow, and your favorites. Just select which group you want to see images from and you’ll see a screen full of thumbnails. There are some really nice filters you can place on the results like “remove duplicates” which works well when viewing trending topics. You can also remove retweets and @ replies. Once you tap on an image you see the image full screen with the avatar of the person who tweeted it and the first few lines of the tweet. You can scroll down for the full image, tap the picture to remove everything but the picture, and tap the avatar for more images tweeted by that user. One thing I think they could add here is the username before the tweet. Buttons across the bottom give you lots of features like emailing the photo, saving the image to your camera roll, replying, retweeting and following the user. You can also scroll back and forth through the pictures or hit the play button to see a slideshow. Finally there is a favorite button.



[Read more…]


Available In: App Store       Price: Free or $4.99  

##ICON_NAME## This is one of my most used apps among all apps on my iPhone, even including the stock apps. It probably ranks up there with text messaging for me. I used to really love Tweetie until the update to Tweetie 2 where some of my favorite features were removed. So I started to look around and then I found Twitterrific. There is a free version that is ad supported so check it out first to see if you like it before buying.

So there’s a lot I like about this app and a few things I don’t. I’ll start with the good. First, it’s beautiful. There’s a pretty good reason for this and it’s because it’s designers are the iconfactory. They are first, an icon design company and now develop iPhone apps. They’ve designed icons for Microsoft Vista and XP, Xbox, Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux, Macromedia, and even Walmart.

But, apps don’t need to just look good, they need to work well. Twitterrific has a ton of features:

• Manage multiple accounts, searches & trends
• Unified timeline displays replies, direct messages, favorites & more
• Filter timeline for different tweet types instantly
• Easily view conversation threads between users
• Customizable visual themes & layout styles
• Powerful tweet actions such as RT, URL shortening, email, text compression & others
• Wide range of advanced settings
• Much, much more!

The app flows really well through menus and it’s very intuitive. It really is my favorite twitter app right now but I do have some things I’d like to see change or added.

• When tweeting and wanting to @reply someone there needs to be an easy way quickly enter in someone’s username but just typing the @ and the first couple letters of the username. Right now you have to scroll through the list of people.

• Right now when you search for something and then want to reply you have to choose what twitter account you want to use. The searches should be accessed from withing each account, not the main menu. That way you can create custom searches for each account and you’re not limited to 3 choices of accounts when responding.



Tweetie 2 Update Now Available

Available In: App Store       Price: $4.99  

##ICON_NAME## The long awaited update to Tweetie 2 has finally been approved. Version 2.1 of the app has quite the change log and includes both new features and bug fixes (view the entire change log below).
[Read more…]

Tweetie 2.1 Coming Soon

Available In: App Store       Price: $2.99  

##ICON_NAME## There are a lot of twitter apps in the App Store actually, there are quite a few good twitter apps in the App Store. Personally, I have always been partial to Tweetie and like many people I was totally stoked about the release of Tweetie 2. I’m still a believer in the app, but lets just say it has it’s bugs. So, I was once again stoked to hear about the update to version 2.1 of the app.

The update to Tweetie 2 version 2.1 includes quite a few bug fixes (thank goodness) and also quite a few cool new features. According to TechCrunch, there are two features that they think we will like the most; “New-style retweets and geolocation support.”
[Read more…]

GDZLLA: Post Pictures to Flickr from Tweetie 2

Tweetie 2One of the sweet features of Tweetie 2 is the ability to enter your own “Image Service APT Endpoint”. This allows you to add your own choice for where your images are posted if you’re not happy with the list provided. Here’s where GDZLLA comes in. You just visit gdzl.la to setup your account and it will post your images to Flickr instead of something like Twitpic. This is awesome because now I can post my image once and not worry about uploading it to Flickr later. The only downfall is it doesn’t name the photos. You probably don’t want the whole tweet being the title. Maybe have the tweet go in the description. Right now it just names the picture “Photo” and the description “Uploaded from Tweetie 2 via GDZLLA“. Then it just needs to upload it to my Facebook account and we’d be all set. This is currently a free service.

Tweetie 2 Coming Soon!

Coming Soon: App Store       Price: $2.99  

Tweetieatebits has announced lots of info about the soon to be released Tweetie 2. This will be a free upgrade for the Mac version but for the iPhone, you will need to buy it as a seprate app at $2.99. The original Tweetie is really nice but I’m kinda torn on the idea of making the app cost $2.99 again. As much as I use it, and as many upgrades that there are, I personally think it’s worth it. I have multiple Twitter accounts (in the double digits) and love all the current features. For light to normal users, I could see people being upset for having to pay all over again for the app. Wait until you see these screenshots and list of updates and then you might be willing to pay :) Also note, the developer has “dropped everything and devoted every working minute since to Tweetie.”

– Buy as new app for $2.99
– push notifications per user
– faster, slimmer, and much more powerful
– will be submitted to Apple this week and from there… well, you know the drill.
– built from the ground up
– takes advantage of iPhone OS 3.0, 3GS, and new Twitter APIs
– OS 3.0+ only
– video recording (of course you can video tweet)
– UISearchDisplayController so you live-filter your tweet stream, just like Mail
– not just caching tweets for offline reading, but remembering where you are in the app
– offline mode allows you to favorite, follow, block, add to Instapaper and more all while offline, syncs when reconnected (great for the iPod touch)
– drafts manager for tweets and DMs
– link up Twitter users to contacts in your iPhone Address Book
– Threaded conversations
– tab bar notifications
– “Nearby” revamped to take advantage of MapKit
– supports the new geotagging metadata coming soon from Twitter
– Saved searches now sync with Twitter.com and the upcoming Tweetie 2 for Mac
– interacts with Favstar.fm, Tweet Blocker, and Follow cost
– @people picker
– recent hashtags
– multiple attachments manager
– “peek” gesture when replying to a tweet
– full landscape support (configurable, of course)
– edit your Twitter profile
– custom API roots on a per-account basis
– vastly improved gesture shortcuts
– in-app rich-text email
– new-style retweet support
– refresh-all on launch
– TextExpander
– Read it Later integration (in addition to Instapaper)
– autocomplete recent searches
– autocomplete go-to-user
– improved avatar caching
– inline Twitlonger
– reply chain list view
– preview short urls
– tweet translation
– block+follow from multiple accounts at once

Read the full blog post from the developer.
[Read more…]

qTweeter Update – Paste Support & Cydia Store Integration

Available In: Cydia       Price: $4.99  

qTweeter qTweeter, a twitter and facebook application, has been update to version 2.06. The update adds paste support. It also integrates the application into the Cydia store. For those of you who have already “purchased” (donated to) qTweeter, you will not have to purchase the application at the full $4.99. If for some reason it does not show that you already purchased the application, after you install it, it will ask you for your registration information… just enter the email address you used when you donated to the app. [Read more…]

qTweeter Update – Upload Videos to Twitter and Facebook on First Gen iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free Trial then Donation  

qTweeter qTweeter, a Twitter application, has been updated to version 2.0. The update adds a new feature – video. The really cool part is that you can send a video tweet not only from an iPhone 3GS but also an iPhone 3G and a first gen iPhone (on the 3.0 firmware)! Very cool. [Read more…]

TwitVid Update – Upload Videos to Facebook, MySpace and YouTube

Available In: App Store       Price: Free   

TwitVid TwitVid recently updated their website/app adding the ability to upload your videos to Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. To turn the features on, you you will need to go to their website, login and choose where you would like the videos to upload.

The next time you post a video to Twitter using TwitVid, it will also add the video to the other places you have chosen. You do not have the choice to post one video to just Twitter and another to both Twitter and Facebook. Once you turn on the Facebook (or YouTube or MySpace) option on the website, it will automatically upload all the videos you post on Twitter to the other places. In order to not upload a video to a certain place, you would have to go back onto the website and remove that option.

Things to note:
– When a video is uploaded to Facebook it adds the video to your “wall” however, it does not add it to the actual Video app in Facebook.

– When a video is uploaded to YouTube it is uploaded directly into your YouTube account.

– When a video is uploaded to MySpce – WHAT! Who uses MySpace!!



TwitVid – Post Video Taken From Your iPhone To Twitter

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

TwitVidI am REALLY excited about this app. First of all, it’s free, but I’d pay for this app in a heartbeat. Very very well done. Ok, let’s get on with it. TwitVid lets you post your videos taken by your iPhone 3GS to your Twitter account. Just install the app, login, either record a new video or chose an exciting one, add your tweet and you’re done! It creates a nice short URL for your tweet like this and adds it to the end: http://www.twitvid.com/0343E

The website it takes you too is very nice. It uses your background for your Twitter account and has extra features like live chat embedded in the sidebar. You can also embed this video somewhere else, chat too. The quality is very good and upload speeds on wifi were great. We’ll test more to see how EDGE and 3G workout. Another nice thing is viewers start to stream the video as you’re uploading it. So even if you’re not done uploading, they can see the beginning and it buffers as you upload. [Read more…]