I don’t use the Notification Center that often on my iPhone, but when I do, I’ve always hated the way you clear notifications. Having to tap twice made the whole process take too long and make me not want to use the feature even more. Thankfully there is NCSingleTapClear! This removes the second tap needed to clear a group of notifications. Just tap the x and it’s cleared. Usually you have to tap x and then tap the word clear. This little hack is free in Cydia. [Read more…]
SBSettings in Notification Center
One of the first applications I install after jailbreaking my iPhone is SBSettings, an application that allows you to quickly toggle settings on your device. It allows me to do some of my favorite hacks (see screenshots below) and it also allows me to quickly adjust my brightness, toggle my WiFi and Respring my device… things I do fairly often. Plus, I’m an old school jailbreaker and it has sentimental value. :) [Read more…]
Government Alerts, Amber Alerts & Emergency Alerts (and How to Turn Them Off)
Recently we had a epic storm in our area that included nearly 12″ of snow, very low temperatures and blizzard conditions. This caused an Emergency Alert to be broadcast by the government. What was most annoying to many in our area is that the alert was posted at 4:00 AM the day before the storm which hit in the evening of the next day. A friend of mine was asking me about it and I didn’t know much. I didn’t get the alert; I assume because I’m on AT&T & he is on Verizon. I had seen tweets about the alerts from a local meteorologist. [Read more…]
Tweet From Notification Center
A new options has been added to the Notification Center in iOS 6 firmware (coming fall 2012). You can now tweet from within Notification Center. The design looks great and you can easily pick from multiple accounts, attach a picture and add your location. You can also place the widget in which ever order you want in the Notification Center. [Read more…]
Calendar for NotificationCenter
I love hacks like SBSettings that allow me to put the current date in my statusbar all the time. But, if you’re looking for a little more info, check out this hack. It adds a full calendar into your Notification Center. There are no settings for the hack but to turn it on and off. You can swipe left and right on the calendar to see other months. This app is free and can be downloaded in the Cydia App. [Read more…]