Doug wrote an article about Colorware, a company that will permanently color your iPhone, not too long ago. However, at the time, the process was not yet available for the iPhone 3G. Well, it is now available! Below is a break-down of the color options, price and an example screenshot.
Back – $150
Frame – $20
Button – $20
SIM Card Tray – $10 (this is a new option)
Earbuds – $10
iPhone Dock – $20
You do not have the option to choose a color for the bottom half of the back of the iPhone 3G (obviously) but, you also do not have the option to choose a color for the Logo on the back of the iPhone 3G…both of which were available with the first gen iPhone. I’m not sure why you can not color the Apple Logo like you could with the first gen. It is too bad because that is the part that has the most scratches on my iPhone 3G!
I dont like how you have to choose a new color for the back of the phone. I would like to keep mine white and not pa $150 for them to repaint it white. I also wish the could paint the from face plate.
Nice, but for $150, I will buy a new case:-|
it would be cool if they would paint graphics on the back that we could submit with our order.
is this only for iPhone 3G?? it’ll be cool if have it here in KL
You can multicolor anodized it.The transformation is awesome!TQ
I only want my sim card tray colored!!!1!11!!! with Pin Stripes and some decals… maybe a skull or a skull on FIRE!!! WOOT!….. yeah, i’d rather spend my money on a case… But this is cool :P
there’s actually something called Gmask I found in the Philippines. It’s a thin film made of some sort of plastic material that they wrap tightly on the phone you can’t tell it’s a wrap… and only for about 35$. this kind of wrapping is quite popular in asia I believe.
brooke i feel ur pain , my iphone apple on the back is scratched up too =[ lol
we should put up a thread for people to show pictures of how thier iphone looks ie: cases, scratches, stickers, holdsters whatever else has to do with the iphone lol…..maybe there is one already , havent checked lately….if there is….then pardon me lol
I would assume that you cannot have the apple logo colored because it is under the paint and gloss on the back of the 3G iPhone so i think it would be hard for them to get the apple logo painted just right. On the first gen it had an outline so it would be easy to tape off and razor around the apple logo. just my opinion.