Over night, the Dev-Team released ultrasn0w. ultrasn0w can be used to unlock an iPhone 3G on firmware 3.0. Below is what the Dev-Team has to say:
ultrasn0w for iPhone 3G is ready!
1. Ensure you have upgraded to iPhone OS 3.0
2. Jailbreak your iPhone 3G using redsn0w or PwnageTool (this will also install Cydia/Icy)
3. Run Cydia or Icy
4. Please add the repo repo666.ultrasn0w.com to Cydia or Icy. That last “o” is actually the number zero “0”! If you use the letter “o” you’ll get an error.
5. Search for ‘ultrasn0w’ in cydia or icy and install ultrasn0w
6. Reboot your iPhone 3G
7. T-Mobile USA users should disable 3G before using ultrasn0w
8. Enjoy
Dev-Team article HERE.
works like a charm
Thats ROCK!!! Unlock my 3G in less than one minute to Orange UK Dev-Team u rock my world thank you dor such a Fantastic job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very NICE! My brother will be so happy now that he gets my 3G… For FREE I may add.
Thank You DEV Team you guys are insane, worked, super easy, any fool could do…..
thank for all the hard work DEV team. job well done. much appreciate…
Yay! Now all we need is a jailbreak for the 3GS so that they can utilize ultrasn0w as well! Hopefully it’s only a matter of time. Go Dev Team!
Is “pwnagetool/redsn0w” the only means of jailbreaking my 3G? Or will there be a QuickPwn release soon? It just seems that there are alot of problems when jailbreaking and im afraid to screw my phone up. Any help is appreciated.
I had the same fears my friend. I was familiar with quickpwn and trusted it. I took the dive a couple days ago and used redsn0w. From my first look at it opening redsn0w I was like Oh no im gonna break my phone. But after it started I realized it was like a “cheap” quickpwn, the directions although r very very similiar. You will feel right at home. Also I might warn you (and maybe this only happened with my phone) my first try I got an error message that I didnt put my phone into dfu mode correctly. I just hit continue again without turning the phone on or exiting redsn0w and Bam it ran beautifully.
Thanks for the advice! I’m gonna give it a try ASAP
No problem. I just jailbroke my girlfriends iphone as well. Went good, no error message so maybe i didnt hold the power button fast enuff the first time. Good luck with yours. Happy Hacking!
Redsnow is a program with windows?
hi its great for iphone user thanks a lot for dev team for making this unlock possible its your team effort that has made this possible so thanks for this iphone user
Pwnagetool keeps crashing. Redsn0w for PPC please!! The suspense is killin me!
HELP! I am trying to jb my 3G I did a shift restore when upgrading to 3.0 firmware, redsnow0.72 does not recognize my .ipsw
I tried 3x deleting it and then dnld from other sites. Can someone plz help. I definitely love a jb iphone instead of a non jb 1. I am on win. Thanks.
which firmware did you use? Recommend getting the one from iclarified or official dev? I would also delete all versions of firmware or pwnage programs and start over. Also make sure you are on itunes 8.2.
Hope this helps.
thx, i dwld firmware from here and it says “path no directory”
so im still not jb. I am on 3.0 firmware. I never had any problems jb wth
quickpwn, i’ve had my phone for a year now.
still no luck the error i get says “the path 2_3.0 7A341_restore” does not exist or is not a directory. Any help with this one?
i finally jb my phone hurrrrraaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
all those 3.0 firmwares that i dwld were .zip files and were corrupted. If this helps any1 what I did was:
1. shift restore with itunes to upgrade to fm 3.0
2. in iphone software updates on my computer I copied the 3.0 fm_restore file to my desktop.
3. used redsn0w to jb. and it finally recognized my .ipsw file.
4. voila perfect jb and quite fast i might add.
my iphone still does’nt work !
Turn off 3G
Yes my 3GS is unlocked. I am a happy camper. Should I cancel AT&T now? I love the 3g speed
hey pals,,,,,jsr gt ma iphone 3g,,,,,bt i jst cant acces my phone ,,,,,,,m nt so cool with techs ,,,,pls help me get outa ths,,,,,
my phone starts in emergency mode and i jst dnt knw wat to do