Friday Night Movie Night – Why you should jailbreak your iPhone According to Saurik

It’s always kewl to hear from the developer of Cydia and in this video he explains some reasons why you should jailbreak your iPhone. There are many specific reasons but to me the main reason is to have the freedom to do whatever you want to your iPhone. Apple controls the software and jailbreaking it allows you to have the control. Check out the video and also check out our page titled “Why Jailbreak?


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  1. Well since Verizon got the iPhone4 I took the jump back to the iWorld (still best phone I have had).
    I watched this Jailbreak video and was wondering if anyone could list the app’s etc, that were shown in the video?
    I can see a lot has changed since I was able to use my 2g… a few years.


  2. DeftOne says

    “This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube’s Terms of Service.”

    lol. Nice.

  3. Video removed. That’s crap on YouTube part. It’s not illegal to Jailbreak the phone, why do we always have to fight corporations that act illegally under the pretense that they are enforcing the law?