Current Version: 1.0 (Build:960)
Available through
Source: Ste Packaging –
Category: Multimedia
Size: 1.4 MB
Features: stream music from your computer to iPhone, share with up to 30 friends, plays when app is closed, lyrics, artist bio, shuffle, conpatible with iTunes and Winamp, buy song from iTunes, album art.
Bugs: sometimes artist bio pic sticks on last selection
Wish List: work on EDGE, video support, fast-forward/rewind
$image = ‘/gallery/simplify-media/13%20simplify%20media%20album%20art.jpg’;
// The HTML output
echo ‘
echo ‘
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘
echo ‘
echo $desc;
echo ‘
global $more;
$more = 0;
query_posts(‘category_name=Simplify Media’);
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
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