We would like to welcome Jacob to the AppleiPhoneSchool.com team. Jacob was recently hired as another writer and will be helping us keep up with all the new iPhone info! He is running 1.1.2 and is actually on his 2nd iPhone (he will have to tell you that story!)…but, we are SUPER excited to have another writer! Keep an eye out for his posts…and let him know how he is doing!
Welcome Jacob!
Welcome Jacob
Wecome Jacob. Happy writing ! :-)
Thanks Doug and Brooke! I’m excited to contribute to this great site!
Oh, and the story about my first iPhone… I dropped it. Broke the glass. Took my hacked iPhone back to the apple store and they replaced it for free! And the next day apple released their new policy that they won’t fix hacked iPhones. Lucky me! Moral of the story, buy an iPhone case!
HAHA!! I love that story….and good moral!