This will fix the problem with the outdated Showtime Unlimited and outdated themes for SummerBoard. It does require you to SSH into your iPhone and use WinSCP/PuTTY for Windows and … for OSX (I don’t have a Mac so I’ll have to fill these parts in when I figure them out.) You will have to run short scripts from the command line. Pacemakers beware! If you think you can handle it and must have these fixes, proceed.
Showtime Unlimited is the free version of Showtime and has no 5 second time limit. It can no longer be found through The download link is below. Extract to your desktop, then SSH into your iPhone with WinSCP and place the entire folder into the Applications folder on your iPhone. Restart your iPhone and ShowTime will be on your SpringBoard.
Showtime (Unlimited):
Create symbolic Link:
-First off run Showtime (Unlimited) and record a movie. (you can try playing it but you won’t see any movies in the list.)
-Run the following commands (using WinSCP you can goto the Commands drop down menu and sellect Open in PuTTy. Sorry I don’t have a mac)
mv /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/
cd /
ln -s /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen
Symbolic Link Created! To check do the following:
cd /private/var/root/Media/
ls -la
Then you should see something like:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 32 Feb 18 18:03 Stolen -> /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen
We’re not done yet. Showtime Unlimited does not set the correct permissions.
-Install located in Utilities in
-create a new script and type in the following:
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen/*
-Go ahead and create another script and type in the following: (we will use this one later)
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard/Themes/*
Now that you have those created, go ahead and run the first one we created with
-that will set all the movies you have saved so far with permissions 0755
You should now be able to go back into Showtime Unlimited and play the movie you originally took. But if you record another movie and try to play it, but you will only see a black screen. Every time you save new movies you will have to go back to and run the first script we created. Then they will play perfectly.
Now for Themes in 1.1.3
If you have tried downloading an outdated theme for SummerBoard, you have realized that they do not work. They have the same problems as Showtime Unlimited does. They save in the wrong place and have the wrong permissions. BigBoss has a fix for the symbolic link part of this, you can find it in under ‘Tweaks (1.1.3)’ called ‘Smb Themes Fix’. You will still need to go back to and run the second script we wrote everytime you download a new theme. Here is the fix starting with the symbolic link:
Set up the symbolic link:
mv /private/var/root/Library/SummerBoard /private/var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard
cd /
ln -s /private/var/root/Library/SummerBoard /private/var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard
Symbolic Link Created! To check do the following:
cd /private/var/root/Library/
ls -la
Then you should see something like:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 31 Feb 13 22:03 SummerBoard -> /var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard
Done! Now go back to and run the second script we created. That will set all your themes to the correct permissions, and your themes will all work correctly now.
NOTE: I have found a few themes from repo that place themes inside 2 folders. ie. ‘bloodelf/bloodelf/themefileshere’ and it should be ‘bloodelf/themefileshere’. If some of your themes still don’t work. SSH into your iPhone and goto /private/var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard/Themes find the bad theme, double click the theme folder, and if the same folder name is inside, double click it again and move those files inside up one level.
On a Mac, all you have to do is enter the terminal and type:
ssh root@your.iphones.ip.address
[hit enter]
your password (default alpine)
Then you can create the above symbolic links.
Also, the themes must have been in 3 folders, because when packaging a theme for installer, one must use 2 folders like so:
Theme Name (contains the theme’s folder)
Theme Folder(contains “icons” folder, etc…)
Theme Files (include: Wallpaper.png, Dock.png, “Icons” folder etc…)
for a unlimited showtime is better this version, no need create symbolic links just check permissions. This version is more easy and the videos are created in /var/mobile/Media/PBFVideo
Thank you very much!!!! Very useful!!! I only have changed permissions an it’s working perfectly….
is doesn’t work with 1.1.4, only work with 1.1.3
do you have the 1.1.4 version
the file has been deleted from the link can you give me another link PLS
this is the new version 1.11b , now playable using QuickTime player on either Mac or PC.
i dont get it :S
Dear all, thanks for your nice job about the Showtime, I did transfer the into my Application (I have 1.1.3 iPhone) and I try to run all commend ( mv /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/ ) but I don’t have the “Stolen” file or folder in my iphone, can you tell me where can I find the Stolen !!
If you run showtime unlimited and record a movie, it will create the folder for you. Its in my notes above.
Many thank for your reply Jacob, I was downloaded the Zip file above and uploaded to my 1.1.3 iPhone, every thing looks good, but after I record some movie, I can’t see any movies in the list. I try to reinstall all work again but nothing happen, I did take several movie in last 1 hours, but noting, I read all instruction above and I try to follow them but all time I got error because the Stolen not find in my iPhone, can you tell more if this app working for you , Thanks in advance
Thank you Jacob, I solve that problem, and just I look to my movie list, and I find all my movie, only the color is not good show so much blue, did I had some thing wrong?!!
hihi Danny, I got the same problem like you that I cannot save any video. Can you tell me how to solve this? Thx
Please help, I downloaded showtime from the web link, copied it onto my iphone, opened it, it stayed on the intro page for about 5 seconds then revert back to springboard. . . .
“I downloaded showtime from the web link, copied it onto my iphone, opened it, it stayed on the intro page for about 5 seconds then revert back to springboard. . . .”
same here!! what could be the problem?
You need to set the permissions to 0755 for those files.
tork39 –
Everything loaded great and i changed the permissions to 755.
But still not longer then 5 sec recording. What do i have 2 change to fix this?
change permissions to 777. worked for me….
Well now i tried Jacob’s way and recording went longer then 5 sec.
Great…. but not so fast…
It would not save… i tired doing the codes and still nothing with “stolen” was created. Hopefully im not using up a tone of memory with useless videos. I deleted this app till further notice. Please help!
my version keeps the videos in /var/root/Media/PBFVideo/ on 1.1.2
/var/mobile/Media/PBFVideo on 1.1.3 phones (NO /Media/Stolen/)
Any other problem may be because the permissions of the application or the folder where it was stored
I downloaded tork39’s version, set permissions, yada yada, but it only lets me record 4-5 seconds of footage, is there a fix?
I have the showtime that ask for the license key for unlimited recording… where i find this license key?
i have copied the 00.vid videofiles with SSH to the desktop of my computer
how can i play them on my windows pc?
Seems like it doenst run on windowsmediaplayer and quicktime
wich codec or player do i need ?
Still stops at 5 sec. Not sure why it wont record longer.
Ive change it from 755 to 777. NOTHING! :(
Any help?
ok… Did some tweaking and used the:
Showtime (Unlimited):
I floated it in the Applications via SSH and changed the properties to 755
Recorded longer then 5sec :)
But when i play back…. BLACK SCREEN! :(
So i tried to create a new script and type in the following:
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen/*
Says it does not exist! Anyone have any idea or help?
works on mine 1.1.4. I had all the problems, the software didn’t start then no video recorded at all and finally black screen. Thanks to You guys I solved all the problems. Jess, black screen solved after I created script
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/root/mobile/Media/Stolen/*
don’t know if it helps
still I can’t see videos in folder Stolen (they are there because when I delete folder videos disappeared). Anyway, it works somehow. With all my respect for the real owners and developers of the software, it needs some improvement. Regards…
I was wondering if you could explain in detail how you got ShowTime unlimited onto 1.1.4 firmware and so it works .. would be really helpful…umm if you can please email with the details thx really appreciate it..
Did anybody get the Showtime Unlimited hack to work? If so, could you please post up specific instructions on how you got it to work? I followed the instructions above and nothing works. Please, HELP!
Did anybody get the Showtime Unlimited hack to work? If so, could you please post up specific instructions on how you got it to work? I followed the instructions above and nothing works. Please, HELP!
NOTE: I’m on firmware 1.1.4
works on my 1.1.2!!!
Thanks a lot!
…the only thing is…the files are awful big!!
11sek –> 34MB
Once more, what I did to let it work on 1.1.4
downloaded zipped Showtime Unlimated
unzziped and copied folder Showtime to my Aplications
-now you can see the icon on your home screen, but it will not start
changed the rights of the folder Showtime and all files inside 0755 or 0777
-now aplication will start but there will be no videos recorded
created folder “Stolen” under private/var/root/Media, rights 0755
created symbolic link the way shown in the article
restrat your iphone
now you will find recorded videos in the folder Stolen and in the aplication but you can’t play them (black screen)
with the help of I created the script
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/root/mobile/Media/Stolen/*
start it up after every video recorded
I think that’s all, hope it will help
i did all what you say on 114 but i cant see the file nothing of the record
not if i serch in the winscp nothing
i’ve tried to do the above scenario on my iphone with 1.1.4 firmware and it was failed :(
no any video recorded :(((
This program says it’s stolen from someone else. Who made the original code, and do they have a more valid (and maybe more featured) version? Is there a “better” version or authorized version somewhere?
I did all thee above but no luck. :(
Iphone 1.1.3 / ssh works / showtime runs but doesnt save videos
showtime save directory is /var/root/Media/Stolen
permissions on the show time directory
and files in the directory
The symbolic link shows up fine and works:
Stolen -> /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen
The issue:
I can run the app on the iPhone and it will record over the 5 seconds but when i stop it the video (vid00.vid) doesnt show up in the directory or in the application. If i run the application in the ssh session under user root (cmd: ./Showtime) everything goes fine and saves the video. Does anyone have any pointers?
(Just reversed the above steps)
mv /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/
cd /
ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen /private/var/root/Media/Stolen
Symbolic Link Created! To check do the following:
cd /private/var/root/Media/
ls -la
Then you should see something like:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 32 Feb 18 18:03 Stolen -> /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen
We’re not done yet. Showtime Unlimited does not set the correct permissions.
-Install located in Utilities in
-create a new script and type in the following:
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/root/Media/Stolen/*
It works fine for me with these small changes (reverse the paths)
mv /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/
cd /
ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen /private/var/root/Media/Stolen
Symbolic Link Created! To check do the following:
cd /private/var/root/Media/
ls -la
Then you should see something like:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 32 Feb 18 18:03 Stolen -> /private/var/mobile/Media/Stolen
We’re not done yet. Showtime Unlimited does not set the correct permissions.
-Install located in Utilities in
-create a new script and type in the following:
chmod -R 0755 /private/var/root/Media/Stolen/*
No se entiende nada de nada, traduzcanlo ustedes y no un traductor online…
Hi … there is an other 1.1.4 compatible Showtime in this source :
at first it’s limited but as you enter “” as the registration key , it becomes unlimited :D
The app worked great!!
but how do i get the video from my Phone onto my PC
^^^^ thnxxxxx soo much!!! it finally worked and the process wasn’t long unlike the previous methods :P!
wow man for the first time someone gave the most easy way i should be a MOD for this site lol thanks much
i canot creat the symbolic link
i put “mv /private/var/root/Media/Stolen /private/var/mobile/Media/
cd /” but it says no such folder exists any idea?
i did what oraghi said and it worked great but how do i get the video files that i took