We received an email from one of the guys over at mobileage.com with a heads-up about two new applications they are creating for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Blackjack 21 and touchTile Mahjong are both set to be AppStore applications but, here is a sneak peek.

Blackjack 21
The definitive version of the world’s most popular casino card game. Blackjack 21 offers super seamless gameplay as it responds to the same gestures used in a live game. You can further customize the game by directly downloading awesome card and table art for free.
touchTile Mahjong
The classic tile matching game for iPhone and iPod Touch. Finally you can transform those brief moments of downtime into extended moments of downtime. Choose from hundreds of layouts and stacks of alternative tile and background art online.
For even more information about the applications and to sign up to be notified when Blackjack 21 and touchTile Mahjong are available, head over to mobileage.com!
I hope they come out soon. I want them now!!
whens episode 8 comming out of iphone 101
Anyone know where i can find the current blackjack application on the installer app. I have tried the few soures on this site and modmyifone but i cannot seem to get it.
It was called iBlackjack, but it’s no longer there. The developer yanked it off installer and announced that it was all a beta test and will be on AppStore in the future. Huge threads about it everywhere about it. Anyway, lucky I keep all my “beta” versions. :D
wow….blackjack….i can’t wait to play…blackjack on my iPhone. My other 6 game emulators will be very jealous….NOT!
http://iappcat.com/r/6839 as installer source
Under “DeadApps You will find a working Version of iBlackjack.
And Alohasoft has a nice skin for it ;)
I already have that full working version of blackjack on my repo. You can get themes for it from iappcat.com
So no need to wait add ipodtouched.net/repo.xml to get a full working version of blackjack.