Apparently Apple was not too happy about a recent iPhone commercial spoof Ellen Degeneres did on her show. After releasing the commercial she quickly appologized on her show. The commercial is pretty funny and it is kinda true of how some people react to the iPhone. What do you think? Funny? True? Lame?
Ellen Degeneres Appologizes for iPhone Commercial Spoof
May 5, 2010 by
Funny commercial, lame apology.
Lame. It’s a ridiculous, badly made spoof.
Thats like asking Connan O’Brian or Jay Lenno to appologise for a joke… It’s a joke… Its what their paid to do…
i thought this was going to be funny.. the commercial was pretty lame. but i love ellen shes awesome
Why my father is like that with his iphone. I don’t see the reason for apologizing. Pretty lame, I hate when people go back on what they say when threatened.
I am an apple user and I thought it was just simple entertainment. Lame? Yes – but still funny. The apology I did not see, but I also think it was not necessary.
In true Ellen style lolol
“Apple didn’t like the commercial I showed yesterday so let’s show it again today and semi-apologize for it.”
LOVE her!
I think apple needs to buy a sense of humor, they’re rich enough :)
I love my iPhone 3Gs but honestly…..who gives a $h!t about a multiple-million dollar companys feelings. Their point of view is more than likely the opinion of 1 individual and everyone else kissing his rear end agreeing with him. Come on Apple grow up. You make waaaaaaaay too much money to entertain such a petty situation.
I thought the Ellen’s commercial spoof was true to some that have never had a elite phone in their hands,but i think silly in a way she is.
She had to apologize or else….but i do agree Apple needs to laugh about it and take it for what it is…
Funniest part was when she said, Ihop if you have anything to do with that…
Thanks for the Info
Some more free publicity for apple, they should pay Ellen and show that commercial on tv. It’s better than their lame ads lol.
Who watches Ellen?? People that don’t work, her show is on TV mid mornings, and can even afford an iPhone anyways. Why apologize for a joke? You just gave Apple more airtime than they derserve and didn’t have to pay a dime to advertise.
She HAD to apologize, she has an App in the App Store!
Wow! Its incredible to see Apple’s grasp in even the entertainment business!
Its a Love/Hate relationship!