Doug’s iPhone 3GS

Updated August 31st, 2009

Firmware 3.0.1
Jailbroken using redsn0w 0.8

App Store Applications:

Tweetie (Twitter Client)
ReTweet []

Web Apps:

Apple iPhone School []
Google Reader []
Fox News []
KCCI (local news) []
Engadget (tech blog) []
Gizmodo (tech blog) []
Lifehacker (tech blog) []
Radar (weather underground’s wundermap) []

Cydia Applications (Jailbreak):

Cydia (app that installs jailbreak apps)

Custom hacks/mods:




  1. adam coleman says

    hey i was wondering how long till you guys think that jailbreak will be available for 2.0 firmware because i can seem to downgrade

    or is here a way o downgrade to an older version from 2.0

  2. Nice work

  3. Was just wondering do you think there will be a easier way to jailbreak and unlock 2.0 soon instead of using winpwn.

  4. hello, i have theme builder, but when i use one of my themes it just changes phone, mail, safari and ipod icons, neither other icons nor wallpaper.. just that.. what can i do?

  5. Doug have you hard of the app called WinAdmin from the App store? Have you ever used it?

    PLEASE Doug, can you make a review of this app, or can you explain to me how to use it? The main website did not help at all, i just have trouble setting up the connection.. What can i do?

  6. sorry for my off-topic post, but I have a question. I currently own an 8GB ipod touch, but im getting an iphone 3G. The thing is, im from greece, and i want to buy the 3G from England, because its cheaper there. Is there away to buy it without the AT&T contract? and if i get rid of the contract, will it be able to use a greek sim card????? thanks in advance

  7. Hi There
    I have just jailbroken my iphone & can see the “Installer” icon. When tapping on it there is nothing installed under it. How can I get stuff installed?

  8. hey man i couldnt find a place to contact you at. but ive realized you and brooke are on of the few iphone web pages that have done links and tutorial on the new pawnage and winpawn for versions 2.0.3. ive got all the infor but others might need to hear about it. you guys used to be the only web page i relied on to read about things for my iphone. im sure there are others who need the news.

  9. Is there any way for someone to do a review of an app called callme? I have not upgraded to 2.0 yet because I love the springdial app and it has not been ported.
    I have seen on various posts that callme is a good replacement for springdial but I can’t find any reviews screenshots or anything. The callme website is less than usefull ( I would like to see a review before I upgrade.
    Does it add speed-dials to the springboard?
    Is it easy to use (like springdial)?

  10. Seriously is it worth upgrading my 1.1.4 to the latest 2.0.2?
    Since the v3.x installer isn’t updating much. (because of the new installer and cydia i guess?) heard that it isn’t stable. Suggestions needed (:

  11. Robert Sprague says

    I have the 1st generation iphone and i’ve tried to jailbreak my phone with different programs. Nothing it locks up and i have to reset to factory settings. Can you help

  12. dude i need ur help i got scrowed by the software version 1.5 and it took away everything from my ipod know i don’t even have installer just tell me what to do and please tell me by sending an email to me

  13. Hi,

    For the love of god please tell me how comes you got the Taskbar Notifier installed on your iPhone 3G and why this information is nearly impossible to be found on the Internet easily? I really need this feature very much. Please tell me how on earth you managed to do that. Thank you.

  14. i want to buy iphone 3g ….. please tell me where to buy with out contact or unlocked version?????

  15. Whats the system string i need to upload my new carrier logos in?

    Im lost. Im on the 2.1 jailbroken 3G.

    Can anyone help me out.

    Ive tried AT&T – /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/ATT_US.bundle

    Ive noticed that there are 4 different files.


    Im on ATT. I have my new files that are named like this:


    Do i need to rename them so they mach the original tag? Example:

    Change my,




    Also is there any permissions i should know about?

    Ive floated:
    into /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/ATT_US.bundle Rebooted and nothing. Still AT&T. Ive double checked the files i created and they are correct. Why cant i figure this out? Can someone help?

    Thank you,


  16. where do I email a press release for a cool new iPhone App? Please email response.

  17. HELP. my comp crashed a couple of weeks ago. I do not have a backup of the music and pictures on my iphone.Is there a programe that i can download to make a backup so i can put it in my i-tunes. Or do you have another tip so i don’t have to lose the music i already have on my iphone. I own the 3G

    Please help me :( i need that music

    • ya look up DiskAid .. its so u can view every file on your ipod or iphone.. u can copy music or vidoes from to your computer.. this is also how to get videos off a app called mxtube… its to download youtube from ipod or iphone

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