Locations is an app that shows you refreshable static previews of webcams. It is available in the Installer.app through the Ste Packaging source. When you open the app your will notice that there are two default webcams already provided (though you can add more)…the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. The Refresh button in the upper left corner allows you to update the previews of all the webcams at once. When you tap on it…a little window will pop up giving you the amount of KByes that you will be downloading and then gives you the option to continue or cancel. There is an Edit button in the upper right corner, it allows you to delete a cam by tapping on the red circle to the left of the cam and then tapping on Delete. You can also rearrange the order of the cams in Edit mode…just tap and hold the three lines to the right of the app and drag it were you would like it. When you are done…tap Done in the upper right corner. Back on the main screen…if you tap on the blue arrow next to a cam it will give you the Title of the cam (which you can change by tapping on it) and the url for the webcam (which you can also change by tapping on it). Then tap Back in the upper left corner to get back to the main screen. If you tap on the actual image you get this really cool Cover Flow style layout of the webcams….from here you can scroll through them tapping on the arrows or by dragging your finger horizontally on the screen. You can also refresh the image by tapping on the circular arrow in the middle…this will only refresh the image you are on. If your multimedia menu disappears just tap the screen and it will come back up. To get back to the main screen just tap Done in the upper right corner. Ok…now, back on the main screen you will also notice some option on a lower menu bar. Locations is the main screen you are on now. If you tap Add…you can add a new webcam by typing in it’s url…you can also title the webcam. Once you have entered a title and a url just tap Save in the upper right corner it will then Validate the url….if your url is correct and the webcam works, it will add it to the main list of webcams….if the url is not correct, it will tell you to fix it. The About option gives you all of the info about the app and some links. Overall this is a really cool app…I know it doesn’t give you streaming webcams but, I think the static image is cool too…the interface is great and the app works really well and it’s fast! The only thing it needs now is the ability to set an auto refresh! If you need a few webcams to add to the app so you can try it out…check out earthcam. Below are some screenshots of the app:
The url for the webcam I added is – – Reef Tank

in my opinion this is one of the sweetest apps i have downloaded
Doug would agree with you on that one!! He LOVES this app!
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