1.1.3 Sadness

Since updating to 1.1.3 and jailbreaking I’ve noticed some things that I miss. One is 5 icons in the dock. With the wiggly icons that can be rearranged with 1.1.3, customize reorder doesn’t work and neither does a 5 icon dock. Also the reflective dock hack doesn’t work. Customize and Categories won’t install together. If I find more I will update here.

*UPDATE* Just thought of something else, since 1.1.3 uses the mobile folder instead of the root folder some installs from installer put things in the wrong folder like Summerboard themes or iPhysics levels. So you have to SSH in and move them. Once developers update their apps this will get better.

*UPDATE 2* After using the alternate Customize (from BigBoss source) and reinstalling Categories with the newest version (1.64-1) they both work. Just can’t the carrier logo to change, I’ll have to force that manually.

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  1. “since 1.1.3 uses the mobile folder instead of the root folder”

    do you mean that we don’t need to move the folder by ourselves in 1.1.3? because i’ve did it with bosstools right after the jailbreaking and unlocking finished. am i doing something wrong here? should i restore my phone again??


  2. Dustin James says

    What I did to fix this problem was simple and very effective. Create a symlink in the /var/root/ directory titled Media and have it direct to the /var/Mobile/ directory. Do the same with the Library.

    cd /var/root
    rm -Rf Media
    ln -s /var/mobile/Media Media

    cd /var/root
    rm -Rf Library
    ln -s /var/mobile/Library Library

    This should fix most problems relating to the location in which 1.1.3 uses compared to 1.1.2 and lower.

    This fixed my problems with most apps not working. Please note that I’m sure that if there are things in your /var/root/Library or Media directories, they might be deleted in this process.. Make sure to back up these directories first.

    Good Luck.

  3. are you saying that dosnt work on new 1.1.3 or on 1.1.3otb?

  4. The only thing I miss in 1.1.3 is the 5-icon dock.

  5. I was also going to suggest a symlink fix, but Dustin beat me to it. Linking the var/root folders to var/mobile as he describes works perfectly to resolve issues with Installer putting files in the wrong place.

    One suggestion, however, would be to rename instead of delete the root folders first. That way, if something goes wrong, you can always delete the symlink and restore your old files. Instead of:

    rm -Rf Library


    cp Library Library.bak

    For all those who don’t feel comfortable at the terminal, I wouldn’t be surprised if BigBoss adds this functionality to BossTool soon.

  6. Great suggestion guys. I wish I knew terminal commands better and I would attempt this, but it sounds like a good fix.

    @hasnum: What you’re talking about with BossTool is moving applications, you still need to do that. This is for the Media and Library folders.

    @alex_dlc: it doesn’t matter if it’s OTB or not, same effect.

  7. someone helped me upgrade/update my 1.1.2otb to 1.1.3 jailbroken and unlocked via ZiPhone, but when i plugged my phone into the pc and opened iphonebrower just now, the program said my phone isn’t jailbroken? i have the installer icon and downloaded a ton of apps last night with no issues. do you know of a fix for this? Thanks.

  8. @jtesnani: I saw a fix for this same problem with ibrickr in the Installer. It’s called ZiPhone iBrickr Fix by the Unlock.no source (i.unlock.no).

  9. Odd, I installed categories on my 1.1.3 and it works perfectly. Does anyone know where the “info.plist” file is under 1.1.3 (the file you would have to modify before customize)? I want to see if I can force a five icon dock with that, but I can’t find the file.

  10. IMPORTANT for Douglas:
    i had the same problem regarding categories icon missing… try to enter in one of the categories you have made, “add” categories and then “delete” it; you should find the program icon back on the main screen ;-)

  11. Dustin James says

    For a 1.1.3 working version of Customize add the source: http://touchrepo.com/repo/

    Then install Customize 1.21 (Custom), 2 in the Utilities Packages. That will allow you to use Customize with 1.1.3 with no problems. I run Categories and Customize with no problem.

    If you want to add-on to the Customize application, join and then download some add-ons from http://www.hackthatifone.com/forum/index.php

  12. Hey there! I’ve used Ziphone too, and now I my mail.app doesn’t recieve mails any more. It’s telling me, that it’s updated, but it doesn’t download new e-mails. Does someone know what to do?

  13. i used ZiPhone 2.0 yesterday and after my phone was jailbroken, after a while i had issues with the phone itself. When making or receiving a phone call, I couldn’t hear the person on the other end but later i was told I could be heard. Also, I could not hear the music that i had on the phone through either the headset or external speakers. I restored my phone back to normal afterwards.. did anyone else have this issue?

  14. @Andy, I had the same problem. What i did to correct it was restore my phone via itunes, jailbreak with ziphone 1.0. once installer is applied i made sure i installed in this order 1. BSD Subsystem 2. Open SSH and last 3. Boss tools. Shut down your iphone and restart and under Boss Tools move only the font and if needed the ringtones. After I’ve had no problems. I too had no sound and ipod wouldnt play and youtube didnt play because of the sound issue.

  15. to Fred: i’ll try that. thanks!

  16. i tried adding the customize but it doesnt seem to worki cant get it to work any help???

  17. @Doug: you are AWESOME! it worked. thanks so much for your help

  18. @Doug again: How do you manually force the carrier logo to change? i did notice that isn’t an option in Customize anymore although the folder still exists. Also, for NES ROMs, the var/root/media path doesn’t exist anymore. Where would we put the games now? Thanks again for your help

  19. Dustin James says


    If you want Customize to be able to change the carrier logo, then install it from the source that I mentioned above: http://touchrepo.com/repo/

    With that source there is a totally working version of Customize 1.21 (Custom), 2 made for 1.1.3.


    If you follow the SSH that I previously wrote, then you will not have to worry about weather to put things in root or mobile. Anything written to root is automatically forced into mobile; therefore, no worrying about where to put stuff.

    On the other hand, NES has a newer version that is available via manual installation, v2.0.5 which allows you to put the ROMs in the mobile/Media directory. The developer states that the packagers are falling behind on packaging new releases for the Installer.app. The newest NES v2.0.5 can be found here: http://www.zdziarski.com/projects/nesapp/

  20. Dustin James says



    If you choose to install NES v2.0.5, change permissions of /Applications/NES.app to 0755 and also change permissions of /Applications/NES.app/NES to 0755.

  21. @Douglas, I used Total Commander for my iphone to change and add programs and icons. I recently upgraded my firmware to 1.1.3 via ziphone and cannot use Total Commander. Is there a reason this happened, and if so is there another similar program I can use besides winscp because I don’t have a wifi connection. Thanks for your time.

  22. Dustin James says

    @Fred Dog

    iPhoneBrowser is a alright for Windows.. google it.

  23. Thanx Dustin!

  24. I just jailbreak my iPod Touch to 1.1.3 . It was great having the rearrangement icon features.but i realise my iPod hangs alot. whenever i try to input a new source in Installer,i type a character,and the iPod juz hang..i need to restart by holding the power button and home button together to force restart the iPod. any one is facing this problem?

  25. How do you choose to use the alternative Big Boss Customize? I’m only given the choice of using he package from PolarBearFarm.com…

    If someone could explain how to execute the steps described in Update 2, I’d be very appreciative.
