XLaunch 0.31-113

XLaunch Version 0.31 of XLaunch is soooo sweet. Take Xlaunch and AppFlow and squish them together into a Xlaunflow sandwich! When you open XLaunch it will look like your ordinary Xlaunch, displaying all your apps in alphabetical order with nice little headers…now, turn your iPhone horizontally and voilà AppFlow! Very cool!! Not only that but, it now displays webapps too!! But, it doesn’t stop there it is also now compatible with the iPod Touch! Right now this app is only available on Erica Sadun’s website…however, it should be in the Installer.app through, Ste Packaging, very soon…hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Below are the screenshots:

Note: This app is created for 1.1.3 however, it does work on my 1.1.1. If you decide to give it a shot on Firmware other than 1.1.3…you do so at your own risk!

Update: I forgot to mention that when you tap on an app you can then choose to Launch that app, Assign the app as your Home Key, Badge It and Cancel.

XLaunch 0.31-113 XLaunch 0.31-113 XLaunch 0.31-113

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  1. Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
    but does it use summerboard themes and if you use catagories will is just show the catagories or show the apps in the catigories aswell?

  2. and for user of 1.1.2 not yet ? :(

  3. XLaunch shows up on the PolarBearFarm source, however will not install on my 1.1.1 iPhone. Did you manually install yours Brooke?

  4. I installed on a 1.1.2 phone and so far its working great!
    I love it! Erica’s apps are the best!

  5. Where do you install it if you just SSH it? Does it just go in the applications folder?

  6. Question? Will XLaunch show my apps that where moved by bosstool? Because after i used Bosstool a couple of my app icons disappeared.

  7. will this work in 1.1.4 firmware?