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Conceited Software Beta: http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/beta/
AlliPodHax Source: ihacks.us/index.xml
BigBoss Beta: sleepers.net/iphonerepobeta
Byooi Digicide: byooi.com/iphone/digicide.plist (Jiggy Apps)
BlackWolf: m8an.de/ownrisk.xml (Extended Preferences)
dajavax: dajavax.googlepages.com/repo.xml
newATTiPhone.com: newattiphone.com/repo.xml
SOS iPhone(French): rep.sosiphone.com
Spiffyware: spiffyware.net/iphone
Hi, sorry to write this here but i have a major problem.. i have an unlocked iphone with 1.1.3.. i cant connect via FTP i tried everything.. i tried both alpine and dottie, i tried changing the pass in the terminal but when i open the terminal, im asked for a password so i cant even changed it.. I tried to uninstall and install subsystem and nothing.. so, i wanted to uninstall and install OpenSHH…
Heres what happened, i could uninstall it, clicked on home button and it was thinking as it always does when you install or uninstall something.. the thing is after it refreshed, it was thinking again after 5 seconds, it refreshed and 5 seconds after was thinking again…
Its going on and on.. so i cant do anything because after 5 seconds, its refreshes! I cant even connect it to itunes!
What should i do????
Thanks and i will be very thankful if somebody could help me..
@Fuser I would restore
So, i wanted to do what jk111 told me and try to restore..
I connect the iphone to my mac and itunes doesnt start… i disconnect the iphone, restart my mac and try opening itunes first and then connect the iphone but nothing happens…
What can i do?
Please help as my iPhones is restarting every 5 seconds and cant use it..
Press the home and he power button for about 10 sec and it will appear in itunes. Then you should be able to restore it. :)