There is an update in the to Community Sources version 3.7. The previous version of the Community Sources (version 3.6) included the Conceited Software, Ste Packaging, and BigBoss’s Apps and Things (BigBoss for short) sources…the update adds the iPod Touch Fans source to the Community Sources. The url for the iPod Touch Fans source is – Below are the screenshots:

Hey brooke if you have a chance can you help me with Skylar customize i need to know where i can get it is not on ipod touch fans source anymore????
i have found under just add to your sources. i havevnt yet installed it on my phone cause im having
problems downloading it i keep getting an error “package download failed!”
. so let us know if it works for you.
ummmmm, is anyone else frustrated by modmyifone’s refusal to update the GD gpSPhone to the correct and current version.. Im sick of this update alert!!! can’t get myself to uninstall the source…
thanks Rodizzle i got it and is working perfect!!!!!!!!! :-)
“ramon ” thats great hear , i cant seem to ake it work. im on F.W 1.1.3 and run the updated installer.
I stuck in 3rd parties Notice massage before update
the OK bottom is not working and I don’t have access to installer