Respring is an app that restarts your SpringBoard. When you open the app your will get a screen saying, “Restarting the SpringBoard….” and then your SpringBoard will restart. I love having one of these apps on my SpringBoard at all times!! I alway need to restart my SpringBoard when I am manually adding and changing things via SSH. Also, I LOVE the icon…FINALLY an icon that matches the rest of my iPhone!! I am using this app on a 1.1.1 and it has also been tested on a 1.1.3 and is said to work. There is another app similar to this called KillBoard, which pretty much does the same exact thing so, use which ever you like better! Respring is available through the source.
Respring 0.1
March 6, 2008 by
[…] Respring (cydia) Resprings apps Website […]
when you are logged in to your iPhone with ssh anyway, you can restart SpringBoard with ‘killall SpringBoard’ also.
Just to let you know in case you didn’t.
I’ll install Respring too though :)
Thanks!! I will have to try that!!
Since we’re logged in with SSH, here’s my root/.bashrc (command courtesy of )
alias respring=’launchctl stop’
When I did the respring using bossprefs it took away all my mods from winterboard.. I tried to reassign them but it still does nothing…