Version 2.0 of Pianist brings quite a few new changes! When you open the app you will notice a new splash screen and a much different looking Piano. You can still change the Octave by tapping the arrows but, the arrows have been moved to a top menu bar. What is cool is there is a little picture showing you where you are on the Piano based on which Octave you are on. The help button has changed to a new cow icon…the actual help menu also has a new look! But, the coolest part of the update is the ability to record. To start recording just tap Rec (it will light up green)…then start playing. When you are done playing, tap Stop. To listen to what you have recorded just tap Play (which also lights up green). You can even play at the same time as the recording plays back…it will not record over the top of what you recorded, it will just play with it. You know…like a duet. All it needs now is the ability to save the recordings! Pianist is available through the source. Scroll down for the screenshots!

Hey i just updated it and its great.
Also Bigboss made a new app called Theme Builder u get to make themes on ur iPhone***********
Hey Nick, good lookin out, Theme Builder is AMAZING!!!
im sure they will update drummer to add this new record feature.
Hmm.. I like the recording, but I used to set it on C5 and F5 for Mad World, but I can’t find those now.. :(
I downloaded it, but can’t get any sound…do I need something else?
Dear, On your Touch/iPhone, go to SETTINGS/GENERAL/SOUND EFFECTS/ anc choose BOTH
don’t know what iphone you have, but on mine which i just bought 3 days ago at ATT does not have SETTINGS/GENERAL/SOUND EFFECT.
Try turning your volume up. Works fine. Or unistall and try it again. Did you have the old version installed. Might have to manually remove old version first. I didn’t have to do that. What version phone are you on?
Have anyone noticed that you have tu turn your iPhone to the other side? I was so used to turn it to the right just after tapping the icon that now I always have to do a 180° turn because I’m upside down. It’s just a matter of time. jajaja.
hey im having the same problem with no sound when i press the keys. can anybody figure out the problem? aargh and the drummer gives no sound either. someone help!!! i really want to use these apps.
Make sure your volume is turned up–go to your Music and start playing a song, to make sure. I turned it all the way up and all three apps worked perfectly. None of these apps have internal volume control and it does need to be turned up high to really hear it well.
yeah my music and everything works…when it comes to sound, only the app’s sound doesn’t work. pocket guitar works tho, but pianist and drummer dont. its not on silent either. HELP
mine worked ealier today and yesterday. Then it stopped working. I bought mine a couple days ago, no sound effects setting at all. Any idea? I restored mine just because it pissed me off, no help. Hmm… ideas? IPOD and everything works though
same problem, jalibroke from 1.1.4 and I get no sound from Guitarist or Pianist, but Pocket Guitar works great. There is no “sound effects” setting on my phone either, I think that was ealrier firmware, but I havent really paid attention. For those of you with “sound effects”, what firmware are you running?
the “Sound Effects” comes from the Advanced Preferences app, from the Dlubbat source. i’ve tried it and it still doesnt work for me, but then again i have the 1.1.3. try it, see how it goes. gluck!
XCjhZz hi! hice site!
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