Installer Featured Applications

Installer This is pretty sweet. Installer now shows a list of featured apps. At the time of writing this article the list included Wallpaper, Collage, Tap Tap Revolution, Sketches & iWoman. There’s also a “More Coming Soon…” section which states:

We’re working on new and exciting things for Installer! We’ll keep you up to date here.

Featured Applications

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  1. awesome (:

    hopefully one of the new and exciting things is an alphabetical scroller-thing

    or a search feature

  2. I think that now there is competition from Cydia, they are implementing the things people want such as the alphabet on the side and search.

  3. i just noticed, i went on installer and boom this popped up. Wallpaper actually is a great app (lol) :-p

  4. Unrelated, but what do you use for changing your carrier image/text?


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