Version 1.4 of SugarTracker makes a few changes to the app. The first visual change is that the icon now includes the version number of the app. Once you have opened SugarTracker…you will notice that the upper menu bar has also changed. Instead of giving you the options Enter, Today, Week, Month, All and Report you now get the options Enter (where you enter in the Glucose/Insulin info), List (gives you complete list of the entries), Report (the report feature is the same as in the previous version) and Settings. The Setting options include; Unit type (mgdl or mmol/L), a place to enter your name, Warning Level 1, Warning Level 2 and then additional info about that app. I still thinks this looks like it would be a very handy app for those who need it!! SugarTracker is available through the BigBoss source. Below is the full change log via the Source’s website. and screenshots of the new features.
Change Log version 1.4
– Settings Sheet
– Save/Load preferences
– About/Credits Sheet
– Improved List Sheet
– Improved List Navigation
– Improved Report Sheet
– Insulin doses as decimal values
– Average Badge corrected
– Some bug fixes
– Some optimisations to improve load time
– Some new icons

can you guys write a how-to guide on how to use the iPHUC program?
I know it is really from the early stages of Iphone dev, but I have a file on a cracked screen iphone that I want to get off, but I don’t know how to grab.
I can’t SSH on because the SSH is turned off with Services.
I need to go through the cable directly to the computer.
I heard this program called iphuc can do it, but I can’t find an up-to-date how to guide anywhere. Thank you!
Thanks for the nice review of my app. Actually there are some changes in the report.
1) If you above the Warning Levels the values will be printed in RED
2) Your name will be put in the title
3) The selected measurement unit will be put in the footer.
Thanks a lot for posting! Never would have known this was there in installer! Just though it would always be iWoman sitting there. I’m diabetic so i’ll be using this a lot! Thanks!
Maybe an actual blood sugar tester for the ipod touch will be made lol.
This is a nifty app, but seems to be geared to Type 1 diabetes, and with a small tweak could also include those of us with Type 2.
Check the misspelling of the word “suger” in the left column, this page.
Diabetes is really a nasty disease and you can also say that for TYPE II diabetes, it is a disease that is caused by being to lazy to workout or get some proper exercise.