DropCopy 1.0.1

DropCopy Version 1.0.1 makes a few change to DropCopy. Here are the changes according to the sources’ website: “Fixed permissions on 3 files; handles more file types; added a fullscreen quickview option and quickview button is easier to tap.” Other than that…the app functions the same as in the previous version. DropCopy is available through the Ste Packaging source.

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  1. My installer only shows version .48, but i have the right sourses. (Also tried refreshing several times). Any clue why?

  2. my installer shows the .48 version too
    i checked my sources and refresh them too but there isn’t any sign of this version

  3. same probleme here … any suggestions?

  4. I’m having a problem and hope someone has a solution. Although I can use DropCopy to transfer PDF files to my phone, when I open PDF Viewer, it is empty. Drop Copy and Finder both show that the PDF files are in the proper folder: /var/mobile/media/PDF.

    Any ideas?

    • just realized the problem – version 0.03 of PDF viewer requires the files be in /var/ROOT/media/PDF. Any ideas on how I change PDF viewer to point to mobile rather than root? Is there a later version of PDF viewer that I can download or some other viewer I can use in conjunction with Drop Copy?

  5. Yeah, just make a sym-link in the var/root/media/pdf directory.
    SSH into your iphone/touch, open terminal and type in:

    ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/PDF private/var/root/Media/PDF

    That’s it!

  6. Brilliant – thanks. What I had to enter was slightly different:
    ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/PDF /private/var/root/Media/PDF

    basically it’s just an extra “/” before the 2nd “private”

    Thanks again.

  7. Please can you explain me how you do that
    I’m /private/var/mobile/Media/PDF but what i do now ?

  8. Chris Wittig says

    Would it be possible for someone to give a walkthrough or step by step process on how to work drop copy? I have a bunch of cool wallpapers on my ipod touch that i want on my iphone, and i figured out how to use drop copy enough to transfer them over to my iphone, but then, in mobile finder, i found the files, but have no idea how to implement them or put them in the wallpaper file to use as wallpapers.

  9. I don’t see a version 1.0.1. just a version .48 which is only half working with my itouch firmware 1.1.4. I can transfer files TO the itouch, but not from it. When I touch the DropCopy circle on my itouch to browse for files, the app closes?! Any idea what is causing this?

  10. Only see .48

    Any update on getting the update?