Picocalc is a number memo for your springboard. When you open the application you will see an iPhone calling interface. Type in the number you want and hit “set”. That number will appear on your springboard above the picocalc icon. You can also add and subtract from the original value. This can be useful for quickly keeping track of your grades or your tips. Picocalc was made by Masayuki Akamatsu, and you can get picocalc from the ModMyiFone source. Check out the screen shots below.
Picocalc 0.1
April 8, 2008 by
Sahil, where and how can i get a theme for installer like u have where u can uninstall and click sources etc…..???
I am in the customize beta. http://customizeapp.com/
You will need an invitation, look in forums like ipodtouchfans.com
Also if you are good at SSH then you can find some themes and replace the installer files.