Snapture is probably one the top favorites among iPhone apps. So, what could possibly make it more functional? Well, how about the ability to hide the Zoom Slider…you got it! Version 1.3 adds an option to the Settings menu that allows you to turn on/off the Zoom Slider. Not only that, but Snapture is now available in four languages; English, French, German, and Italian. Pretty nice update to an app that is already pretty sweet! Snapture is available through the BigBoss source.

sweet thing!!!!!
hi guys! nice application but i got a question,,
for some reason i’m unable to save settings
cause they get back to default after 2 uses..
any suggestions?.. is it a bug still to be solved?
thanks! =)
hey Snapture guys do u think u can make a video recorder that will be fab
The issue with the settings not getting saved sometimes is a known issue. It should be fixed in v1.4. Video recording is something that we haven’t been researching. It might happen at some point but likely not in the near future.
I love your camera app! But there are three glaring bugs and one feature request!
1. You are not adding the metadata for the “Date Picture Taken” field. If I modify the image, I no longer have any clue when the picture was taken. The standard iPhone camera does populate that field. In fact it looks like Snapture is not writing hardly any of the metadata, including Camera, Color Representation, or F-Number. Probably no else has noticed, but some of us want/need that info!
2. When viewing the images in the camera roll, all of the Snapture generated thumbnails are squashed. It appears that you’re taking the entire image and distorting it to the thumnail size rather than cropping the image and preserving the aspect ratio.
3. File naming, after doing some experimenting back and forth it looks like Snapture isn’t handling naming correctly. If I download all my pics from the Camera Roll to my computer, the standard iPhone app will continue naming the files where they left off. Snapture on the other hand will start over naming the next photo “IMG_0001.jpg”. So now I have several IMG_0001.jpg files floating around with no detail about when the photo was taken. My workaround is to leave the last photo on the camera, but I shouldn’t have to do that if the standard cam app can do it, right?
Feature request sort of ties together issues related to bug #1 and #3 above:
It would be awesome if we could customize the default file name generated to include time and date like many other camera phones do. My old Motorola phone named everything 04-18-08_2045 for a picture taken at the time I’m writing this post. Then no matter what happens to the file or its metadata, I’ll always know when the photo was taken.
Still your app is an awesome one, and the entire reason why I installed the “Installer” app in the first place.