I put off checking out the update for this app however, there are a few fixes with version 1.0b02 of iVirusScan as well as a few new features and options. One new feature includes Quarantine Statistics. I do not have any files in quarantine so, I can’t tell you much about the feature (and I have yet to see a reason for this app but, that is my own personal opinion and I will do my best to not let it affect my review of this app!). Another new options, which I think was needed, is the ability to delete log entries. In the Settings, you will notice a few new features. You can now choose the cache size as well as the size of the Logs. If you would like to clear a log, just tap the Clear option which will bring you to another menu. From here you can clear the log based on Size or Date. I must say, this app is easy to use and sturdy. iVirusScan is available through the McAfeeMobile source.
Version 1.0b02 Fix-Log:
• Fixed a memory leak inside the engine
• Improved installer automation
Does it play friendly with TimeCapsule yet?
Well I was able to answer my own question,
I was able to open and run Time Capsule successfully.
Also the version available through Installer was 1.0a08.
I did find that when I try to scan my phone iVirus doesn’t totally complete. It stops with a little for the scan bar left to go.
I have to cancel the scan.
When I go into Scan report it looks like it completed though.
This happen to anyone else?
It defnitely happened to me a few times and i would restart, go back into the program and try again… only for it to lock up again. It does actually progress, but patience is needed. Once a complete scan happened for me, it seems to go through everything. I just did a scan this morning, and it pauses towards the end, but it is active. Hope that helps
It looks like McAfee withdrawn the Beta. I wanted to try the new version, but I get an error from the Installer.app!!
McAfee stopped the Beta program at the moment, but I heard in another forum that the latest version is available on Emule under “McAfee iVirusScan iPhone” search.
Unfortunately McAfee’s iVirusScan beta is over. I found this page today confirming this: http://ipkg.mcafeemobile.com/repo/iVirusScan.html
no longer possible to install