WeLyrics is an app that adds lyrics right into your iPod application. When you install WeLyrics, it will put an icon on your SpringBoard however, the only option in the actual application itself is whether or not you would like the lyrics on or off. When the lyrics are turned on, it will display lyrics to the songs playing in your iPod. To display the lyrics while a song is playing, just tap on the album art (the middle of the screen). It will take a second to download the lyrics. Once the lyrics are downloaded, it will scroll through them as the song plays. The current lyric are in white and the lyrics that are coming up are in grey just below the current lyrics. If it is not able to find lyrics for a song, it will either display just the title of the song or just leave a blank screen. You can also delete lyrics if it brings up the wrong ones. I did have one song in which it found the wrong lyrics. To delete them, just tap the little red trash can icon. I think this app is a very good concept however, there are a few areas that need a little improvement. I’m not sure where it is downloading the lyrics from but, I’m pretty sure it is not LyricWiki. This is because I found that it was only able to download lyrics for about 70% of my songs though, most of them are available through LyricWiki. I also found that it scrolls though the lyrics much too slowly! It doesn’t bring up the next section of lyrics until it is a few words into it…I would love to see it go to the next section of lyrics a few words earlier. Overall, this app has great potential. Everyone loves a lyrics app!! WeLyrics is available through the weiPhone source.
WeLyrics 0.6
May 5, 2008 by
Soooooo sweet! I have been waiting for this a long time!
Personally, I think MobileScrobbler is the best lyrics program out there, not even counting all of the other things that it does! =)
its a very cool program and works pretty good but it has some things i didn’t liked.
-It makes the ipod get stuck…
-the lyrics should appear before than in the song like a kareoke
-the lyrics are way too aligned to the right
-the server doesn’t have some songs ( i understand this one)
other than this its a very good app that i will use after they fix the ipod laggy thing
This should be avoided till they can really fix the bugs, I tried it, and it only showed the first line of lyrics for me, I decided i’d stick with TuneWiki and uninstalled it….after I did I lost all sound from my iPhone, and all videos in my ipod said they couldn’t be played, and my music wouldn’t play, after looking around the net for a solution I found it, had to simply reset all settings and I got my sound back and the ipod plays all music and vids, not something I expect an app to do when I uninstall it, so my advice is leave it till these bugs are fixed.
Not working in Czech republic. grrrr… no lyrics app work….
I really with they had this in the App store.
ps. Brooke, you don’t have album artwork?
hi guys…
I cant find Welyrics on either cydia or installer. whihc repository is it on ??
having same problem with Springdial ..
plz help
Is this available for 2.0?