Ok, I have been using version 0.41b2 of moleskine for a few hours, testing it out before doing a review of it. I have found a few things I love and a few things that get the job done but could use improvement. First off, I absolutely love the fact that notes can be imported from the Notes.app! That was a long time in the coming and I’m glad to finally see it implemented. It works flawlessly and it is very simple. When you select Add, you will now see an option Import From Notes. When selected, it brings up a list of your Notes. The list is very well implemented, it opens right in moleskine giving you the title of notes and a little snippet of each note. Another great new feature is the ablity to change the font size. When in edit mode, there is a slider at the bottom of the screen that allows you to adjust the font size. However, because the font slider is below the keyboard, it can make typing difficult. That is actually one of Doug’s worst pet-peeves, when the keyboard is shifted up, because he always hits the wrong buttons!
A couple new features include the ability to tip the iPhone back to toggle full view while you are in browsing view and to toggle full view when in edit mode. So, when you are in a folder with the list of all the notes inside that folder, you can tip your iPhone back and it will change it to full view. Also, when you are editing a note, you can tilt your iPhone back and it will change it to full view. These are both good features however, the “tilt” is very touchy. You just barily need to tilt your iPhone in order to make it toggle. It takes a few trys to get it to work correctly but, once you figure it out it is pretty cool! I also noticed that the side tilt, which brings you to the previous action, takes a little more of a tilt to initiate. According to the developer this is because he changed the sensitivity of the accelerometer so that the back tilt and the side tilt did not interfere with each other. Now, there is one feature that I just can’t get to work. You should be able to tilt your iPhone to the side while in edit mode to toggle the auto-capitalization. However this just doesn’t seem to want to work for me!
Overall, I still really like this app. It definitely take some time working with it to fully grasp all the faetures. It continues to be a very well built and reliable app! moleskine is avilable through the databinge source.

“Now, there is one feature that I just can’t get to work. You should be able to tilt your iPhone to the side while in edit mode to toggle the auto-capitalization. However this just doesn’t seem to want to work for me!”
I think that you touch the status bar to change that… Try it!
hey guy, totally off topic.
When you try to go in the touchpad pro catagory on the left side under utillitys it says comming soon. but then if you go to select catagory on the right side it works.
the problem is that you havent got a dash in touchpadpro website link in uitilitys but you have it in select catagory. please add a dash the the left side under uitillitys so it will work. Eg http://www.appleiphoneschool.com/catagories/touchpad-pro
A few things I found out so far. The Note import works well for me too, but if you use an app like iphoneNotes that changes fonts and colors and sizes of your default Notes.app, these notes will NOT import correctly.
Brooke, the tilt for autocaps only appears when you are actually editing a note ( as in the keyboard is up ). If you are not editing, you would simply go back one level with the same gesture. Does it not work for you this way?
I agree that the gestures are too touchy. I already suggested that once you make one, another one is not recorded until the transitions are over. Too many times I undo my gesture when coming back to neutral position.
The tilt to cap, un-cap, works on my 1.1.4.
Also Im just glad that I don’t need to get a new pair of glass’s with the small font size anymore!!!
So I finally decided to download this app from the databinge source to see what all the fuss was about… and it crashes after the splash screen. Also, my installer keeps thinking there are infinite updates, at one point thinking there is an update to the most current version (this one) and then immediately after updating believing there is a new update to the older version. It’s just a vicious cycle after that.
Anyone have some sort of insight on this? Does it have any sort of dependencies I am simply not aware of? Maybe it is known to conflict with certain apps? Any information would be appreciated =)
The vicious circle of updates is just repositories that are in conflict. Keep the newest version and ignore the updates.
As for the crashing, the times I’ve heard this happen seems like setting the permissions of the moleskine folder to 777 fixes it. ( or is it 755? )
I think the only dependency is the BSD subsystem, which you must have or else it wouldn’t have installed.
Connect to your ipone via SSH, go to the moleskine folder and set 77 permissions:
this fixed it for me.
cant get this version to come up in installer
@Yosmel: i have the same problem…the app crashes at the start. But the older version worked correctly…
According to moleskine’s site, it has to do with the new installer and it only affects certain people. I think he made a revision that is fixing this. If not, you can manually set the moleskine folder’s permission to 777 manually. It seems the new installer is setting the program as a root instead of a mobile user.
How do I change the folder’s permission??
My moleskine doesn’t work……When i click on the icon it launch the application but comes back to the home screen after 10 seconds…Can anyone help me??
You’ll need to SSH into your phone or run vTerm( I think it’s called) from within your phone. I’m not sure where there are tutorials for this, but you can probably google it.
Can this app work on iTouch