moleskine 0.44b1

moleskine I like the update to version 0.44b1 of moleskine. It does exactly what I was hoping it would do! The first change that I really like is that the Font Slider Bar has been moved up a little and there is now a nice grey background behind it. It looks much nicer. Another new feature that helps the overall look of the application, is that the Title and Decription of the folders are now further apart. However, the new feature that I like the best, is that you are now able to export the notes you create in moleskine. When you are in a note, you can tap on the note icon to get the menu. You will notice that there is now an Export Note option. If selected, it will ask you to type in what you would like title (file name) of the note to be. You will then get another pop-up displaying where the note was exported to. Basically it exports the notes to the ~/Library/moleskine folder on your iPhone. I’m not sure what file type it exports the files as but, you are able to open them with wordpad. Another great update to moleskine. moleskine is available through the databinge source.

moleskine 0.44b1 moleskine 0.44b1 moleskine 0.44b1 moleskine 0.44b1

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  1. I wish I could combine moleskin with my calendar because I need alerts and the ability to leave myself notes for future dates. Does anybody know of an app that does that?

    • Can’t you make pretty substantial notes in events in Calendar? I do that. I leave all the information I need for that event in a long note – granted I have to type it out. Maybe all we need is some app that lets you edit calendar notes on the desktop.

      At a minimum, you could have a calendar event that says: “Dude, look at note such and such in moleskine”. Sometimes too much integration is not so great – in a way, you already can do what you want.

    • I do normally use calendar, but I found moleskin’s ability to put my notes into folders and subfolders very useful.
      I found the mobiletodolist2 app to be what I was looking for, but it seems that the alerts are not working. I’m sure they will fix it eventually and then I will be able to reminded all the time of everything that I need to do.

    • Right. But that’s what I mean. Why not use calendar to remind you to go look into moleskine? It’s not automatic, but you are two clicks away from the note you are supposed to read.

  2. neontronix says


    Hi guys,

    I need help. I accidentally deleted MobileEnhancer folder with all its content, located in private/library. Now my phone wont start up. Just loops in apple logo. this happened just after i deleted it. I need the entire MobileEnhancer folder with its content for SSH. yes i can ssh but will only last for 10 seconds before the next restart. so PLEASE zip me the whole folder. Thanks.

    • I wanted to help, but I guess it’s not a third party app that I have. I have nothing in my root/library or mobile/library with that name. And I don’t have a private/library. Sorry.

  3. Rosenfeldt says

    I really like this app. The only thing I really need right now, is some serious plugin/programs for pc/mac to handle all these beautiful iPhone apps! I remember some fancy nokia program, where you could control “all” the phones pictures, notes, calendar etc…lets have something like that for the iPhone…soemhting that really works! ;)