This application does not work correctly yet. At first Doug was getting this error “Your firmwareGUID couldn’t be recognized, and therefore, music importing will not be avaiable“. However, he was able to fix this error by creating a folder a var/ folder and setting it’s permissions to 777. He was then able to download and save the songs in the application. However, when he goes to import them into his iPod the app just closes to the SpringBoard. The developer says this is a bug and he is going to be releasing an update soon. So, you can hold off on installing this one for now since is doesn’t function properly. iSlsk is available through the BigBoss source.
iSlsk 0.1b-1
May 15, 2008 by
How do i login or get a username and password?
Thank You
mine did work u just need to do an account on itunes with a gift card
Just type in the nick and the password u want and it works :)
So…ahem…what does this app do?
It is a P2P client, using Soulseek network. You should be able to download music and then import it directly in your music database… The latter doesn’t work yet…
Marvelhous, it works! I could even find musics from different languages such as Brazilian songs. You can choose to delete the whole album, etc, and it keeps downloading in the back ground, so you can use another apps and the download keeps running.
NOTE: share only musics that you have the rights.
it’s a P2P app. You can find and download musics
question: is this program sharing the musics on your touch? or it just connect in a computer to computer network?
You can hear your songs just opening the folder with “finder”, click on the song and “modify” button and then “open with”. First you have to install “av player”.
Excuse Me Guys But I Believe The Error It Shows Is “firewireGUID” Not “firmwareGUID”. o_O So i don’t if you already noticed it.
that right it does say that
Cool !!!
I would name this app – “Pirated iTunes Store” for iPhone !
Its good to see various types of apps coming up for this device….
I can’t find my download after its finished… I created the Var/Media/Downloads folder but nothing showed up after it finished the download… What am I doing wrong?
correction: I created the var/root/Media/Downloads folder and nothing happened… Please help I want to know where my downloads went after they downloaded…
1) check if you have “ioreg” binary in /usr/bin/ directory
2) If not download it from and upload it to /usr/bin
2) Connect with putty to your iPhone and run the following commands
3) chmod 755 /usr/bin/ioreg
4) chown mobile:mobile /Applications/
5) chown mobile:mobile /Applications/*
6) Download libncurses.5.dylib from and upload only libncurses.5.dylib to /usr/lib
7) chmod 777 /usr/lib/lib*
mkdir /var/root/Media/Downloads (if it already exists it’s ok)
9) chmod 777 /var/root/Media/Downloads/
This last one should fix your itunes import problem.(credit goes to Edward from Touch Podium)
10) ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control /private/var/root/Media
IF you still can’t get it to work i suggest waiting for the next release.
Brooke & Doug if i brake any rules with those links just delete my post.
PS. I use mac so for mac users just use your internal terminal and SSH.
got the below info from here..
Your Firewire GUID couldn’t be recognized and therefore music importing will not be available.
To solve this issue, you will need to do some hacking.
To learn how to connect to your iPhone and or iPod touch see this post.
Log in to your iPhone or iPod touch with SSH (Putty) and do the following:
1) check if you have “ioreg” binary in /usr/bin/ directory
2) If not download it from here and upload it to /usr/bin
2) Connect with putty to your iPhone and run the following commands (copy & paste )
3) chmod 755 /usr/bin/ioreg
4) chown mobile:mobile /Applications/
5) chown mobile:mobile /Applications/*
6) Download libncurses.5.dylib from here and upload only libncurses.5.dylib to /usr/lib
7) chmod 777 /usr/lib/lib*
8) mkdir /var/root/Media/Downloads (if it already exists it’s ok)
9) chmod 777 /var/root/Media/Downloads/
This last one should fix your itunes import problem.(credit goes to Edward from Touch Podium)
10) ln -s /private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control /private/var/root/Media
IF you still can’t get it to work i suggest waiting for the next release.
Once your finished downloading and are trying to import, the app will crash.
Instead, Goto and search for MNPlight, from within that app you can click on the ipod and change the directory to your /usr/root/Mobile/Downloads and import the songs into your Iphone’s ipod that way.
Correction: You can use vterm or mobile terminal from the iphone to invoke these commands. Also to download the necessary files click the link pointing to the original source. After you have put them into the proper directories, then use vterm/mobile terminal or ssh or putty, whatever you want…
This is how to get iSlsk working if you have the firewireGUID problem
1. Download the file below (it’s different than errrick’s ioreg file)
2. put it in /usr/bin/
3. chmod it to 777
4. ssh into your iPod/iPhone (use putty on windows or terminal on OS X/Linux… you need command line access)
5. type cd /Applications/ hit return
6. type ./iSlsk
7. it should say firewireGUID found, (if not reboot and try again) after the , there should be a number, copy it
8. paste it in a text document and save it in Plain Text Unicode (UTF-8) as fwid (no extensions)
9. copy it onto your iPod/iPhone in the folder /Applications/
10. chmod everything inside the folder to 777
10. reboot and re-enter your log in info, download a song, import it, and listen!
thanks to :
i need help on how to download videos and then watch them. AV Player doesnt play the videos even if the’re mp4 format how can i watch them?
hi! i am not the kind o guys who go around leaving posts everywhere but i would like to congratulate the people who created this app.! lemme tell you this is one of the most amazing apps. that you can find over the Itouch/iPhone!
Ecellent App. Very professional and its interface IS AMAZING!
it would be perfect if songs with artwork could be imported with the artwork embeded. Is there any possibility for that?
i would like tto ask if the producer of this app could copy the procedure of itunes app , where songs are firstly added on purchased and then they r synced to pc. So in that way may we couls sync our songs! What do u think?
COOL! it works alright. Can we download videos too?
Thnx a million to the developer of this software.
htere’s just one little…. BIG PROBLEM !!! it messes up ur entire music library! if u have a lot of songs (round 2000) like i do, it takes more time to find the song ur looking for, since the letters don’t correspon anymore! – so i got mad and uninstalled it, but the library is still messed up! (i manually manage my songs and videos) is there a way to fix this?? please help!!!!
can u ssh islsk to your ipone