Coming Soon – Lumen

This looks like it would be a pretty cool app! The developer would like to have it in the AppStore though, he has not yet been accepted by Apple. So, I’m not sure how that is going to work but it looks like a cool game none-the-less.

Watch “Lumin” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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  1. wow.. this is one heck of a game! I will definitely buy it…

  2. me too!

  3. Looks kind of cheesy to me. Sorry but doesn’t interest me at all.

  4. $5?! i dont think so. im not bying. but it is pretty cool

  5. this game is based on the same game on the DS called PRISM.

  6. darklion21 says

    isn’t that the guy that made the OS X multitouch screen? Wow, incredible. I am definitely buying.