Time for a new poll! The last poll was – What is your current iPhone/iPod Touch status? Below are the results based on when we added the poll just about a week a ago.
* iPhone 3G – Firmware 2.0 (13%, 499 Votes)
* First Generation iPhone – Firmware 2.0 (10%, 400 Votes)
* First Generation iPhone – Firmware 1.1.4 – Jailbroken (53%, 2,055 Votes)
* First Generation iPhone – Firmware 1.1.4 – Not Jailbroken (1%, 32 Votes)
* First Generation iPhone – Firmware 1.1.3 and below – Jailbroken (5%, 194 Votes)
* First Generation iPhone – Firmware 1.1.3 and below – Not Jailbroken (0%, 9 Votes)
* iPod Touch – Firmware 2.0 (8%, 290 Votes)
* iPod Touch – Firmware 1.1.4 – Jailbroken (12%, 467 Votes)
* iPod Touch – Firmware 1.1.4 – Not Jailbroken (1%, 26 Votes)
* iPod Touch – Firmware 1.1.3 and below – Jailbroken (2%, 60 Votes)
* iPod Touch – Firmware 1.1.3 and below – Not Jailbroken (0%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,842
According to the poll about 1189 of you have iPhones on firmware 2.0 the rest are on 1.1.4 or below. Of those of you with iPhones on 1.1.4 and below, 2776 are jailbroke and 71 are not. Doug and I both have an iPhone 3G as our personal iPhone. We also have a few test iPhones…one is a first generation upgraded to 2.0 firmware the other is a first generation jailbroke 1.1.4. You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll.

Why spending money for apps you could have free? Just to fuel Steves pockets?
You can’t get all types of apps for free. I moved over just because of Omni Focus. With the desktop app, the phone app and iDisk type folder, I have all the organization tools I need. It’s still a little rough, but it certainly works, and there is nothing else like it.
Some of the games are really cool too. For instance, there is finally a soduko that saves where you are. That always annoyed me from the installer ones. And Enigmo is amazing. What a little game!
Also, it would be good to remind people that once 2.0 can be jailbroken, it doesn’t mean people can move and immediately have the best of both worlds. Installer apps won’t work in their current state, and it’s not that simple to upgrade them. I keep seeing comments on the app store of people thinking they can just wait for the jailbreak and they’ll be all set. If that is what you are thinking, stay in 1.1.4 until things are really ready.
and let’s not forget u are feeding the developers a whole lot more than steve jobs. If nobody paid for software who would make it?
I feel like an addict. Maybe you should ask who has X number of Apps. I have a LOT of free Apps.
yeah, I have about 60 free apps on my touch,and they are really great
i really like that voting system, i was looking to put something similar onto my website, i am very noob to building website, dont know code, more of a cut and paste kinda person.
how do you do it?
sorry if its not related to the post :-s
Paying for iphone apps?? lolz
upgrading to 2.0?? lolzx2
To each’s own. I personally like FW2.0 better than FW1.1.4. It’s all a matter of preference.
yes, that can be said about everything in life. “to each is own…it’s a matter of preference” lolz
more than $100 ?
that´s a nearly an half iPod Touch 8GB !!!
I have spent Between $50.00 and $99.99.. Well very very close to $99.99 lol and I’m sure that if you posted this poll two days later I would’ve voted More than $100.00
I’m a spendaholic :-)
i’ve spent about $3
If its a Nobel effort and its only a buck or two I love supporting the devs If its a free app. and I use it regular I must remember to send a few $$ ! The next app might be your Holy Mary so support the troops !