It’s poll time again! The last poll was – How much have you spent in the App Store so far? Below are the results based on when we added the poll a week ago.
* Nothing – I’m not on firmware 2.0 (51%, 1,407 Votes)
* Nothing – I am on firmware 2.0 (17%, 481 Votes)
* Between $0.99 and $4.99 (3%, 96 Votes)
* Between $5.00 and $9.99 (5%, 133 Votes)
* Between $10.00 and $19.99 (7%, 197 Votes)
* Between $20.09 and $29.99 (5%, 143 Votes)
* Between $30.00 and $49.99 (5%, 140 Votes)
* Between $50.00 and $99.99 (3%, 91 Votes)
* More than $100.00 (3%, 90 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,778
I think it is crazy that 481 people are on firmware 2.0 and have not bought a single application! Are you installing the free application or have just not installing any applications? I think Doug and I are in the $50.00 – $99.99 range now. According to our poll, it is definitely a money making market! In just the “More than $100.00” category, and only if all 90 of you only spent exactly $100 and not more, Devs/Apple have made $9,000. And that is only one category!
You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll:

Brooke, you are forgetting that from 1$ payed in the store 0.30 cents goes to Apple. They are making a big chunk of money with the Appstore, even more maybe than the programmers. They used time to program the stuff.
Lets see if some programmers will change to Installer when it comes.
You may as well quit complaining tha lil 481…it will grow
I see that one of the options to put Apps on your iPhone/iPod is SSH, can you save the Apps on your PC ?
When will apple accepts or add sling player into Iphone and itouch. Is it going to be sometime this or early next year. Thank you!!!
how about all of the above?
The poll is multiple choice, so you can pick them all :)
you could say that earlier =p or maybe it was me that i didnt read
I have a 3G and most of the Apps I have are free. I did purchase 3 games: Crash 3D, labyrinth and Texas Hold’em. Until the apps in the store are more useful, like a Password Box or the location apps get better, I will wait a few to jailbreak. Honestly I love my iPhone, jailbroken or not. The phone, internet and iPod features in one device with a nice size screen serves my taste well.
Installer and OpenSSH…
I like the wide variety of apps available in the Installer, but for stability, I have to say the App Store is better. I have yet to have to restore my phone as a result of the App Store, but I had to do it several times in the short time I had a jailbroken iPhone. That’s very annoying, and time-consuming if you want to re-download everything. I can get pretty much everything I want from the App Store, so I have to give my vote to stability over variety. I wasn’t interested in most of the Installer apps anyway.
to tell you the app store is nice to have but for some countries like in cyprus we cannot make use of this app store online there is no CYPRUS APP STORE
I have over 60 free apps, and they are fine for me. The only money I spent was updating to fware 2.0 on my touch
I bought my iPhone already jailbroken and unlocked on ebay. 1st gen 1.1.4. I guess I am lucky because I have never had any problems from any app via the installer. I have installed and unistalled over 120 apps. I still run 1.1.4 software and have about 65 apps on it. The only time my phone crashed I was on apple wb site watching an apple video. After resetting by holding the two bottoms everything was fine.
Is there a way I can find out what method that was used to jailbreak my phone because I have had flawless service from it? That is one of the reasons why I am not in a hurry to upgrade and try to jailbreak. I don’t want to screw up my flawless phone.
I still like installer but App Store is a close second for me.
* Installer (79%, 1,159 Votes)
* Cydia (14%, 211 Votes)
* App Store (34%, 503 Votes)
* OpenSSH (9%, 139 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,467
79% + 14% + 34% + 9% = 136%
It’s counting the percent based on the number of total voters instead of votes. Needs fixing
Anyone know what happened to the original Installer that was included in the 1.1.4 firmware?
For about a week or so, no updates nor any new programs are showing up.