Sorry to get this out a little late (came out yesterday). iPhone firmware 2.0.2 was released yesterday. The official info is “bug fixes” but many claim it is to increase 3G reception. Unfortunately we do not have 3G available here so we can’t test it but if you watch this video you’ll see it is faster. Let us know your experience. I recently upgraded to 2.0.1 (jailbroken) and my keyboard and contacts experience isn’t much better. Hopefully this will help. Right now 2.0.2 has not been jailbroken but look for it soon. Thanks for all who tipped us on this!
UPDATE: Readers are reporting that QuickPwn will jailbreak 2.0.2. We will be testing this on Brooke’s iPhone 3G. Note that the Dev Team has not released any info stating 2.0.2 is jailbroke although it seems to be working…
Any jailbroken software is always slower!!!
correction!!! software 2.0.2 is already jailbroke using quickpwn gui… already on my 2G iphone with cydia and installer testing right now how everythings run on this updated… :-)
i was just about to point out the same thing… ;P it was jailbroken a while ago and it is quite simple
QuickPwn may work on 2.0.2 but, it is not an official release of a jailbreak for 2.0.2. The DevTeam still suggests staying on 2.0.1.
The baseband looks the same but the software is 2.0.2 and so far everything runs very smooth i like better than 2.0.1!!!!
No problem jailbreaking 2.0.2. The Dev Team may suggest staying on 2.0.1, but really, there is no risk to jailbreaking 2.0.2, and if it all falls apart you can simply restore. They made that suggestion just as they learned of the 2.0.2 release. That was my initial instinct as well. I just decided to upgrade, then jailbreak. It was smooth as silk. I did it on the PC side of my Mac (the DarkSide).
On another note, I see no significant difference between 2.02, 2.01, or 2.0 for that matter. I never experienced crashes, slowness or a bad signal from day one. The only really slow thing on my phone is opening “Settings”, and it’s as slow on 2.0.2 as it was on 2.0.
I am running 2.0.2 on BOTH of my iPhone 2G’s. UPDATED with 2.0.2 through iTunes, still unlocked, no longer jail-broken (No Cydia or Installer). Then I killed all of the apple services (I’m on XP) which means close iTunes, go into task manager and shut down iPodService, iTunes related apps, etc. Then QuickPwn and you have an unlocked, jail-broken 2G phone on 2.0.2 and it works MUCH better than 2.0.1. You lose all Cydia apps, but you can just reinstall them. All App-store apps are still there and functioning. HOW ABOUT THAT NEW DOCK APP! On Cydia – Awesome. Much better than the one for 1.1.4!
Hi. After u were on 2.0.2 2g unlocked without cydia or installer, Can u plz confirm which firmware file did u select while using quickpwn, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2. Thanks in advance.
anyone have long backups now with 2.0.2? Mine won’t even finish after 2 hours.
Oh man I hope not…I’m upgrading right now…I remember the long backups from version 2.0. It might just be that your first backup is taking a while and then they will be short after that!
well I have tried many times and it just gets hung up. I have yet to been able to backup and I have been trying to do it all night. What a piece….
back up two me & my wife’s took less than 10 minutes on each…
Just letting everyone know that I got it to work. I had a movie that was on my phone and my backup was getting hung up so I removed the movie and the backup went through. It still took about 20-30 minutes but it works and that’s all I wanted. But what a piece.
on the video I think there’s something wrong with that iPhone cuz I did the test with them .my iPhone 3G but with EDGE and was even faster not faster than 2.0.2 but faster than 2.0.1 wich it’s mine too.
I am really dissappointed with Apple’s lame 2.0 release with all these bugs. The performance of my 3G is great, besides the delays in the keyboard, slow app starts. I am on 2.0.0 and will just live with it until it’s fixed. I am Pwn’d with Cydia no complaints with it so far. Also the MobileMe service was launched too soon, they gave me an additional 60 days free because they are having problems with that also. I hope this 2.0.2 update solves some problems.
I upgradedto 2.0.2 yesterday .
And the best thing it did was fix the compatibility issues between iphone 3g and bose sounddock portable.. It works like a charm now… No popping sounds,, No stopping in between songs, No radio interference when i recieve a call ..
Best thing they could’ve done for me..
Surprizingly ,, mine didnt backup again when i was updating … ;)
is there is arabic keyboard for 2.02
So, can someone answer this question: everything you quickpwn your phone, does your iPhone reset completely like a brand new install? Do you have to install all apps, etc? I have used PwnageTool on my iPhone for 2.0. Does every update mean you have to install all your stuff again?
When i updated to 2.0.2 all the appstore apps were on the iphone still but the ones from installer and cydia had been removed. Then used quickpwn with 2.0.1 and all apps from appstore still on but now with cydia and installer.
Hi..I have recently upgraded my 2G iphone from 1.4 to 2.0. I have unlocked the 2.0 version using winpwn. Now with 2.02 already available for update, does the update affects the unlocking that i have done ie. where I have to unlock the iphone all over again?
If you update to 2.0.2 then you will lose any apps installed by Cydia or Installer. After you have updated to 2.0.2 you can use quickpwn with stock 2.0.1 and your phone and itunes will state that you are running 2.0.2 but you will now have Cydia and Installer again.
Check the following link for the pros and cons of this:
On the other hand you could just wait for winpwn 2.5 to be released which supports 2.0.2.
I will use winpwn 2.5 when released and re-do my phone just in case there are any issues caused by the quickpwn route.
Have fun now
does this fix the stuck in reboot logo problem
Wheres the download link???
this software upgrade does fix you 3G problem. Here at my house I had barely a bar and now after I upgraded, it now get 3 to 4 bars. I have the phone jailbreak too. Its really cool.
I have a Iphone 3G with. 2.0.2 and I noticed when I put my phone into airplane mode before using 3g and turning airplane mode off again, My 3G speed are fast. I read that rebooting helps with the speed issue but airplane mode works for me and it is faster than rebooting.
anyone notice that the iphone becomes really slow after this update
how do I fix this or should I downgrade back to 1.1.4