Election ’08

Available In: App Store       Price: $0.99  

Election '08Ok, I have to apologize first to all of those in other countries who don’t care about the US elections. To make if fair, let me know of any apps that are available in other countries that are not in the US and we’ll get a review of it. I can tell by our stats that MANY of you are from outside the US so we’d love to review your country specific apps too!

Ok, on to the review. Election ’08 is an app that shows graphs of polls, data and electoral vote estimates broken down by state. You can even see the voting history of each state. It’s a very simple app and costs $0.99. Tapping on different icons across the bottom sorts the results by recent info, alphabetical, electoral votes, and by each candidate.

Click here to download Election ’08 via the App Store.

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  1. I dunno – why pay for something that you can simply Google, or just look up Yahoo, MSN, CNBC, etc…? We are constantly inundated with popular opinion and it is important that we study all of the issues relevant to each of us so that our decision on November 9th is informed and NOT due to popular opinion i.e. polls. I, for one, will ignore ALL polls and study more than just the usual pundits who weigh in on the presidential issue – this means Bill O’Reilly, et al. All I want is information and I can do without the rhetoric.
    Douglas – how are you and Brooke doing? My prayers are always with you guys!

  2. i think that it’s completely ridiculous that this app isn’t free.
    i agree with what mdleers is saying.
    this information is already free online.
    on top of that, wouldn’t putting a price tag on it push people away from looking into this app which just so happens to have information about a very important upcoming event (which everyone in the US should be involved with).

  3. i’m losing my attention to appleiphoneschool. other sites updates something like 10 times a day and have great reviews and topics. but ais is really late and not fresh

    • DJContagious says

      dude dont judge ppl by their inactivity. what if there was a family crisis, or if they were on vacation, or IF THEIR COMPUTER BROKE! (lol god forbid)

      seriously, just chill out….

    • Ya ur right it was good over the summer but now there’s nothing new to look at everyday

    • they maybe buzy with the new baby @@
      congratulation doug and brooke

    • Show must go on…

    • Sahil Arora says

      I didnt know that they had a lil baby, whats his/her name, will the baby be a part of the next iphone 101:D

      congrats doug n brook

      hope the baby is not keeping u guys awake all night………

    • i hav to agree w/ cihan i really liked this site over the summr n stuf but now nothing is ever posted n it feels pointless to check any more than once a week now

    • Yea, this site is going downhill. Since Brooke got pregnant, you get to realize how lazy Doug is and the real force of this site is Brooke. Oh well, onto better blogs with people who actually put in some effort.

    • @ Roger ^^ ..A bit harsh, don’t you think? I wouldn’t even want you on my blog.

  4. Hi there: I am from Spain and I will install these app due to I am really interested about the US Election’08 and because I have my bet for a candidate ;-)

  5. Stupid that is all I can say,I wonder who`ll pay for this app?

  6. No need to apologise Doug, I’m from Australia and I’m interested in who becomes US President.

  7. I happen to be very involved in politics and I see that this application was obviously put together by an Obama supporter or even more so the Obama Campaign. The election is much closer when it comes to REAL polls. I am not in support of either candidate, but I atleast like to see a fair race.

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