It has been a while since we have had a new poll and in that time lots of changes have taken place with Installer and Cydia. As I get back into the iPhone swing, I’m curious to know what you guys are using to get apps onto your iPhone. I personally have gotten comfortable with Cydia. Let me know what you use (you can choose more than one answer)!
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Hah, I use all four but mostly cydia :)
I use Cydia….Installer crashes too much.
i refuse to use quickpwn because it puts that STUPID pineapple logo which really pisses me off so im not jailbreaking lol
you can choose whatever logo you want!
Installer crashes way to much, I use cydia and the appstore, as soon as my wifi is up it will turn into manually.
What’s up with the poll? It does not add up right.
App Store (71%, 319 Votes)
Installer (29%, 133 Votes)
Cydia (75%, 341 Votes)
Manually (20%, 91 Votes)
you don’t have to choose one! You can choose all if you like now do the math!
I have all three insatller, cydia,& appstore but only really use cydia and appstore. There just isn’t anything really usefull in installer
appears Cydia wons the battle to Installer.
I was very faithful to installer at first, I even read negative comments about cydia so I stayed away.
Then when summerboard killed my iPhone and I restored, I gave it a go, now it is the only one I use! :D
I use all 4 but the best are manually:)