AppStore Apps Free Today

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

There are a few apps that are free in the App Store today that are worth mentioning. The first is Fuel Log which allows you to keep track of your miles, gallons, mpg, cost, cost per mile and even gives you a graph of your fuel efficiency. A simple application but definitely a useful one and it is free until Sunday, October 26th 10:00 PST. The other application that is free for a limited time is Invazion which is Asteroids type game. Doug is pretty sure this one wont last long due to copyright so, get it while you can! Both apps were previously $2.99.

Fuel Logiconicon


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  1. Kelvin Alfaro says

    Invazion Project -R is also available for free for a limited time

  2. i must say that this is really good when you write about these things, tnx alot! its good that you come out with the information early, so that you dont miss the sale :P

    • We’re looking into integrating it into our new site design so it pulls in the information live on price changes.

    • thats a really cool thing to do :) i belive that you are just checking the amerikan appstore, and i thougt of 1 problem with that: if people from other countries like sweden the apps may not exist, beacause not every amerikan app is portet outside amerika.

  3. Apparently the Invazion one is not free anymore :(

  4. Just looked and in the Canadian store, the price is still 2.99$… By the way, is there someone who knows where I can express my anger about the links that were taken out in iTunes ? I REALLY miss the “All iPhone applications” ! It was my way of checking the new apps ! It is not a good decision by Apple to take them out… :-((

  5. Thanks again Brooke.. :)

    BTW, any idea on when is Cooliris coming to the US AppStore ??

  6. Really,

    How do you guys keep up with this stuff? This is cool.