New Poll – What type of connection do you use most often on your iPhone (or iPod Touch)?

AiS Time for a new poll. The last poll was – What type of theme do you have on your iPhone or iPod Touch the majority of the time? Below are the results based on when we added a week ago.

* The Stock Theme – I love Apple’s stock icons! (27%, 402 Votes)
* Custom Theme – I installed via Cydia/Installer! (50%, 735 Votes)
* Custom Theme – I SSH’d in! (10%, 140 Votes)
* Custom Theme – I created myself! (13%, 191 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,468

I am totally all about a custom theme! I LOVE changing my theme. Though, I do know quite a few of you are all about the stock theme and would never dream of changing it! You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll.

What type of connection do you use most often on your iPhone (or iPod Touch)?

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  1. JuggleNuts says

    I use mostly Edge; there’s no accessible wifi connection at work, and that’s where I use the phone the most. There’s no 3G here in Iowa yet, so I’m SoL in that area as well.

  2. i have wifi connection home and work. If go to semewere I use EDGE. I have 1Gen iPhone.