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Available In: App Store | ![]() |
Price: $2.99 |
I just read a story on CNN Tech about the developer of Trism. It was an excellent story that really captured the opportunity that the App Store offers. Many of you may feel as connected to this story as I do. If you have been around the jailbreak scene for long, you will remember that Trism first came out as a jailbroken application. Even in it’s first release it was a game worth talking about! We saw it go through a few updates and once the App Store arrived, we saw it merge into the App Store. The game has always been well developed and a fair price ($4.99 – as both a jailbroke and App Store app. Though, it is currently available for $2.99). The CNN story talks about the developer’s success in the App Store.
It seems that in the first two months after Trism was released in the App Store the developer, Steve, made around $250,000 in profit…not too bad! It goes on to say that he basically developed the application by himself in his spare time (which means he didn’t have a lot of overhead). He now has a “salaried staff, five games in development and two coming out by Christmas, including a spinoff to “Trism” called “Trismology.” I was actually very impressed and slightly proud of his accomplishments! Though, I do appreciate the point that CNN makes at the end of the article saying,
“Many of the overnight successes we’ve witnessed enjoyed the benefits of timing and visibility, advantages quickly being eroded due to market oversaturation,” Steinberg added. “Let’s put it this way: I wouldn’t tell anyone to quit their day job just yet. As with any Cinderella story, chances of recreating this kind of success are few and far between.”
Overall, Trism is an excellent game (it always has been) and I was very excited to hear about it’s success!
You can check out the full article by CNN HERE.
You can see all of our articles on Trism HERE.
Recent Twitter for Trism:
It really is an excellent game. My brother and I keep playing ( been playing since jb days ) and we are learning more and more how to play more with skill than with luck. For us, it’s the game we play the most. He deserves everything he gets. I can only hope his other games are of the same caliber. Sometimes, people have that one good idea that can’t be recreated.
I have a workshop that trains you to develop apps on the iPhone such as Trism
I liked the game during the JB days as well…but haven’t purchased it from the App Store….trying to keep the overhead down and all. I only buy apps from the App Store when I just feel that I can’t live without them or playing the Demo version just blows me away. I have only purchased less than 10 apps…mostly games for entertainment. I also keep a good eye on the Appshopper.com website ever since Apple changed the way their store organizes their apps. I also mainly only look for FREE or price changes to FREE or very cheap. If you haven’t checked this site out…it is a MUST.
It is by far one of the best iPhone games out there…
I do miss it :(
I really admire this guy who did Trism, and envy him also. I developed a puzzle as well which has been in evaluation by every major toy company in the US and Europe during the last three years. It was on track for a license from Ravensburger (the largest puzzle company outside the US) to launch in the UK this year, but they got spooked in August 07 when the Chinese toy recalls changed everything. (They had arranged for my puzzle to be mfgd in China.) Therein is the difference between Trism and my puzzle: my puzzle uses old fashioned technology, i.e. plastic and paper, not electronic codes. One hurdle has been, I think, some believe the days of actual puzzles you assemble from real pieces that lay on a table are past. In actual fact, this is no more true than the “reality” that sit coms were dead in the early 80s, before Bill Cosby showed otherwise. Every real play tester for my puzzle is absolutely wowed (and it has been exhaustively play tested with everyone from 5 years old to 85), and it’s just too bad the large toy companies could care less. Not to worry. My puzzle will become the successor to Rubiks Cube as the #1 selling non-electronic game within the next five years. I am certain of it.